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Sagittarius by Johannes Hevelius - Adaptation by Online Star Register ©
Sagittarius (The Archer): gift, map and visability
- Meaning: The Archer
- Best seen in: August
- Family: Zodiac
- Latitude: +55° to -90°
Sagittarius or The Archer is one of the 88 constellations modern astronomers have divided the sky into. It's part of the Zodiac constellation family. Sagittarius is best seen in August (from latitudes +55° to -90°).
The archer Sagittarius is a centaur-half man, half horse, located at the widest band of the Milky Way. To find Sagittarius locate Vega and look for the group of eight bright stars that form the core of the constellation and mark the centaur’s shoulder. The centaur is aiming his arrow straight towards the neighboring constellation of Scorpius. People born under the sign Sagittarius are said to be independent, explorer, positive, and agreeable.

Sagittarius Constellation Map

Main Stars in The Archer (Sagittarius)
The constellation Sagittarius contains several bright stars that make up its shape. Some of these main stars are known as:
- Kaus Australis
- Nunki
- Kaus Media
- Kaus Media
- Rukbat
- Arkab
- Ascella
Some of the deep sky objects which have been discovered in Sagittarius include: Sagittarius A, Sagittarius B2, Lagoon Nebula, Omega Nebula, Messier 18, Trifid Nebula, Barnard’s Galaxy.
You can now name your own star in the constellation of Sagittarius in just a few clicks. Name the star, view it in 3D and look it up with the OSR Star Finder App!