Spice Up Christmas With Your Loved One
With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is easy to slip into routines and the busyness of shopping, decorating and planning. However, Christmas should be about more than just gift-giving and receiving. It’s also a great time to reconnect with your significant other.
I’m not talking about a romantic getaway to a secluded cabin, with snow covered trees, endless stars shining brightly in the sky while you cozy up by a warm fire crackling in the background – although that would be nice – I’m suggesting small things you can do to bring some cheer and goodwill into your romantic relationship.

A romantic snuggle
A romantic snuggleNo kids allowed
If you have children, having a romantic evening alone may seem impossible to do, but it isn’t. Take advantage of those loving grandparents that want to whisk your kids away for a fun weekend – ideally they should be their grandparents – but desperate times call for desperate measures. Once the kids are out of the house, take yourselves out for a romantic dinner for two, then explore the lights of your neighborhood. Some area’s offer horse draw sleigh rides which can create a wonderful Christmas romance setting. Snuggle together under a cozy blanket and sip some wine or even a hot beverage and discuss grow-up subjects or just whisper sweet (or dirty) nothings to each other.

Aphrodisiac food
Aphrodisiac foodThe power of love food
Never underestimate the power of fine food to get you both in the mood. But not just any food, foods that are proven to rev up your friskiness and to really get the blood pumping.
For a sexy meat, prepare fresh salmon with some hot peppers. Salmon is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids that will keep those sex hormones in peak condition. The capsaicin found in hot peppers not only lights a fire on your tongue, it will also light one in your loins by stimulating the nerve endings and blood flow. Add avocado or asparagus to your meal to churn up vitamin E which in turn will churn up testerone for him and estrogen for her, along with red wine for a healthy dose of resveratrol (antioxidant) to boost blood flow. After the meal finish off with some satisfying chocolate to just make you feel fine all over or a pomegranate. This fruit is not only loaded with antioxidants to protect the lining of your blood vessels, but it also gives increased sensitivity to the nether regions. Cut the pom in half and feed each other the juicy seeds – it can be very sexy and will stimulate more than just your taste buds.

Naughty or Nice?
Naughty or Nice?Naughty and nice
Tis the season to…play. As adults we forget how to just relax, unwind and to play with our significant other. Jump on the bed, have a pillow fight, wrestle, giggle and explore. These can all be great preludes to bringing you closer to each other. Need something more structured? Try naked Twister or a rousing game of strip “Go Fish” or other two player card games. Gals if you are feeling adventurous, there are a number of sexy Christmas lingerie outfits available this time of year, so indulge in a little “naughty and nice” role playing. Let him take his time and unwrap you this holiday season…
Put a little Christmas romance back into your relationship. By taking time for one another you will build stronger bonds, be more relaxed and ready to take on what this holiday season has in store for you.
Merry “Romantic” Christmas!