
Tardigrades on The Moon

- 23 August 2019

When Israel launched its moon lander Beresheet earlier this year it carried thousands of microscopic water bears. In April, Beresheet crashed on the surface of the moon. What happened to the water bears? Read on to find out more about these creatures on the moon’s surface.

Earth’s Leaking Core

- 16 August 2019

Researchers have recently released a report that Earth’s core has been leaking for over two million years. What impact has that had on the Earth’s top layer? Read on to learn more about Earth’s leaking core.

Printing 3D Objects for Space

- 28 July 2019

Sending large objects to space for building structures like the International Space Station is expensive. 3D printing those structures in space is less expensive. Read on to learn more about 3D printing for space structures.

What Happens at Area 51?

- 8 July 2019

The United States Air Force facility, also known as Area 51, is a classified base located within the Nevada Test and Training Range. What happens at Area 51? Read on to learn more about this top secret base.