The Galileo Project : Do Aliens Exist?

OSR blog post

Is it time for the scientific community to apply research into the possible existence of aliens? Dr. Avi Loeb believes it is time. Read on to learn more about his new project.

Avi Loeb, the Harvard professor, who made the case earlier this year that the Oumuamua object comes from aliens, has launched a new research project. Dr. Loeb believes the search for evidence of alien life should come in the form of artifacts. Furthermore, he believes that this information should not come from the military. Why? Because they are not equipped to provide the needed research. His new initiative is called the Galileo Project.

The Galileo Project

The reference to Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei3 (1564-1642) was chosen because the Galileo Project may make novel discoveries regarding aliens. According to the press release, the goal of the Galileo Project seeks to provide a systematic research approach.

“The goal of the Galileo Project is to bring the search for extraterrestrial technological signatures from accidental or anecdotal observations and legends to the mainstream of transparent validated and systematic scientific research.” (Galileo, 2021)  Professor Loeb found the release of the UAP information from the United States inadequate. However, in their defense, the Robertson Panel from 1953 advised the military to avoid confirming UFO reports. Instead, the panel suggested they act more in favor of debunking reports and not investigating them. As a result, seventy years have gone by, with scientists avoiding the scientific method of research regarding alien life.

NASA spends a lot of time looking for life on other planets. In fact, millions of dollars have aided research and development projects such as the Mars Perseverance rover. In fact, the stated goal for the rover involves the search for life on other planets. One must ask why spend money on looking for microscopic life, but not alien life?

Scientists Looking At The Evidence

Dr. Loeb has the same question. His response seems reasonable.

“Given the recently discovered abundance of habitable-zone exoplanets, with potential for extraterrestrial life, the Galileo Project is dedicated to the proposition that humans can no longer ignore the possible existence of ETCs. Science should not reject potential extraterrestrial explanations because of social stigma or cultural preferences that are not conducive to the scientific method of unbiased, empirical inquiry. We now must ‘dare to look through new telescopes,’ both literally and figuratively.”

In addition, the data collected can then aid in further investigations. For example, if ever released to scientists, the data collected at Roswell could help future investigations. However, by covering up information, the military and government have only created more suspicion. Therefore, scientists should insist and develop methods of research gathering.

Dr. Loeb also makes another distinction from SETI. The SETI acronym stands for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Their research program looks for signals that may reach Earth from alien civilizations. However, the Galileo project will approach the research differently. “This ground-based project is complementary to traditional SETI. In that, it searches for physical objects and not electromagnetic signals associated with extraterrestrial technological civilizations.

Will the scientific community embrace the concepts given by Dr. Loeb and help his organization? We hope that they will and put 70 years of darkness and denial in the past.