The Ultimate Science Fiction Fan Page

From the OSR Blog

Genealogically, science fiction is a class of literature. It deviates from pure literature by its inclination towards the laws of science. Quite often science fiction works are speculative about future scientific discoveries. Science fiction writers exploit the laws of nature and welcome the yet-to-be-discovered into their imaginations. As such, the backdrop of science fiction often contradicts known reality.

Science fiction elements are cast in alternative timelines and unconventional places. Frequently science fiction pieces are set in the future or the past, on this planet or another planet in outerspace and sometimes completely imagined settings. New age discoveries like superhuman robots, UFOs, spaceships and nanotechnology also often find a place in science fiction.

Science fiction pieces should be taken only for their entertainment value, however, sometimes offer great questions for the scientific world and even, sometimes, foreshadowing into what the real world might see one day. Automatically opening doors and mobile communication devices were seen on Star Trek long before at the grocery store and in your pocket. The Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem from the 7th century BC, is considered by historians as the first work of science fiction. The piece features a flood that is similar to events in doomsday science fiction pieces.

Science Fiction fanatics and the internet go hand-in-hand. There are millions of ways for a Sci-Fi lover to satisfy their hunger for all things Sci-Fi, here is our sampling of what we think are the best of the best.

Sci-Fi Authors

Sci-Fi Books

Sci-Fi Movies

Sci-Fi TV

  • Star Trek: Fan chat enabled site with Video clips of star trek episodes
  • Lost in Space: Excellent collection of photographs from the sets of Lost in Space
  • Babylon 5: The making of Babylon 5, the schedule and synopses
  • Stargate SG-1: Synopses of episodes, gallery and video trailers
  • Doctor Who: Fascinating facts and character study
  • Farscape: Episode synopses, image gallery and character study
  • Lexx: The official fan site with character descriptions, actor details and merchandise
  • Quantum Leap: Episode Guide, Chat room, forum and showtime schedules
  • The X-Files: A fan page with show background and character timelines.

Sci-Fi Radio

  • Mike Hodel’s Hour 25: Online broadcast of the sci-fi radio program Mike Hodel’s Hour 25
  • Hour of the Wolf: Program schedule and photographs from the radio show
  • Destinies – the Voice of Science Fiction: Archived interviews, episodes, features and upcoming program schedule
  • Coast to Coast AM: Recordings of past shows, photo gallery and featured news of Art Bell’s famous sci-fi themed radio program.
  • Sci-fi Overdrive: Sci-Fi news, interviews and information of pet projects.
  • 2000 Plus: Fascinating history of the first adult science-fiction program in Radio
  • Dimension X: Buy off-air episodes from the Catalog of Dimension X
  • X – Minus 1: Download and listen to the original episodes of x-minus 1
  • Sci-Fi Games

    Sci-Fi Comics

    • Superman: Superhero created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
    • Batman: A superhero co-created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger
    • Casanova: Created by Matt Fraction, Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon
    • Black Hole: Illustrated by Charles Burns deals with the aftermath of a sexually transmitted disease which causes grotesque mutations in teenagers.
    • Star Trek: Originally Star Trek was an American television series. Star Trek-based comics have been published by a number of companies almost continuously since 1967.

    Sci-Fi Publications

    Sci-Fi Conventions

    • Comic-Con International: A nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular art forms
    • Comicon: A virtual comic book convention with 3 halls for professional cartoonist and publishers, for online comics retailers, for small press creators.
    • Worldcon: World Science Fiction Convention is an unincorporated non-profit organization
    • World Fantasy Convention: An annual gathering of professionals, collectors, and others interested in the field of Light and Dark Fantasy art and literature
    • MegaCon: Tickets, passes and general info
    • List: List of science fiction conventions
    • Neoengel: Convention guidelines and rules
    • London Film and Comic Con: General info and guidelines
    • New York Comic Con: East Coast’s biggest and most exciting popular culture convention and the second largest comic book and pop culture gathering in the US