How to Surprise Mom on Mother’s Day
Remember as a kid when it was so easy to surprise Mom on Mother’s Day? We would dream up all sorts of artist masterpieces that we just knew Mom would love and got busy painting, gluing and coloring our way into her heart. However, as we (and our mothers) grow and age, it can become more difficult to truly surprise her on Mother’s Day. Sure television and retailers would have us believe that flowers and cards are the only way to go on this special occasion, yet this is too easy and predictable and doesn’t pack a whole lot of punchie-surprise.

Flowers are Nice but Surprises are Better
If you’re tired of the same-ole, run-of-the-mill gifts for Mother’s Day, read on to discover some simple, yet effective surprises you’re mom won’t see coming.
Listen and Learn ~ Complaints Speak Volumes
Whether you are buying a gift for your own mother, grandmother or the mother of your child, take some time before the big day to really find out what she wants and desires. Guys, this does require paying attention to her when she is talking, especially when she is complaining. That’s right. Women won’t necessarily articulate what’s bugging them “in so many words” but they will grumble and complain. It could be in muttered frustration, or quite loudly, but whichever way it comes out, take it to heart and try to give her the solution to it on Mother’s Day. It could be as simple as a few hours to herself, a day at the spa, or even just a meal she doesn’t have to prepare.
Mending Fences
Mother’s Day is the perfect time to take the opportunity to mend fences. If you have had a falling out with your mom, it’s time to let by-gones be by-gones and repair the relationship – what better surprise could there be then going to someone with forgiveness in your heart and love in your voice? Mother’s never want to be at odds with their children, so do what it takes to resolve the tension. No one knows how long they have left on this Earth, so mend those broken feelings and relationships before it’s too late.

Reconnecting is the best surprise, ever!
Along this same line of thinking is to be the mediator in fixing other relationship problems. For example if your mom has a relative in a far off place, give her a long distance calling card, set up a Skype chat or even give her a plane or bus ticket to get her there for a visit. This type of gift will create memories that will far outlast a bouquet of flowers or candy.
Make Her Day ALL About Her
Most moms are extremely busy, so if you really want to surprise her this Mother’s Day, give her a day that is all about her. Start off by serving Mom her favorite breakfast in bed, while she’s enjoying the luxurious morning, clean up the mess you made in the kitchen, then get ready for the rest of the surprise. What could this be? Who knows! It’s totally up to mom. Ask her how she would like to spend the rest of the day, then do your best to provide her with that wish.
Spend Quality Time
We all get caught up in our own lives, so if you haven’t spent any quality time with your mother, make a point of doing so this Mother’s Day. Show up in the morning with Mom’s favorite treats or an invite to breakfast or brunch, then sit down and enjoy each other’s company. Laugh, giggle, reminisce and build new memories. A mom doesn’t care how or where she sees her child, she just wants to know she is still loved, honored and thought about – that’s what matters!

Play tourist in your own town!
Another nice way to spend quality time with Mom is to play tourist in your own town or city. After we have lived in an area for a while, we tend to forget about all the cool stuff there is to do and see – even small areas usually offer lovely parks or cute cafes – so take mom out and see the sights for the “first time” all over again. If she enjoys biking or walking, take advantage of the Spring weather and enjoy the afternoon in the fresh air, chatting about life. It’s a great way to spend the day!
Mother’s Day does not have to involve more flowers or a card. Put some extra thought and effort into truly making your mom’s day a surprising and memorable one.