
Space and Astronomy Lesson Plan Ideas

- 19 January 2010

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences in the world. Space has been studied for thousands of years. In the modern world, the fascination with space and astronomy has only increased. It’s important for students to learn about astronomy and space so they understand that the universe is a large place with many wonders. Finding the right lesson can be tough so here are some great lesson plans for astronomy teachers.

Fun Stuff for Elementary Students

- 18 January 2010

The Internet offers a whole new world in teaching. There are hundreds of websites geared toward learning the basics such as math, history, language arts and many others. There are also exciting and intriguing ways to learn through Webquests or virtual field trips — take your students on a Webquest to Egypt or a virtual field trip to the land of the dinosaurs. Games teach shapes, spelling and the alphabet. Money matters are learned through group or individual lesson plans. Add the Internet as one of your teaching tools, and you’ll be amazed at how excited your students will be about learning.

Astronomy Basics for Children

- 12 November 2009

Astronomers study our universe and the objects found within it such as stars, planets, and galaxies like the one we live in, the Milky Way. Almost one quarter of all astronomers are women and almost all professional astronomers work in the field of government or education.

The Ultimate Science Resource for Kids

- 9 November 2009

For kids who love science, it’s easy for them to get into such topics as fossils, space, chemistry, physics, and the like. How do you get the other kids interested? Try some of fun ways listed below about various science topics. You can play a game to learn about the parts of a body or you can sing a song about the environment. For more ideas refer to the Ultimate Science Resource for Kids.