2024 YR4 is an asteroid about which there will be a lot of words and stories written in the coming years, and it is possible that it will remain permanently recorded in the history of the planet.
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We have already written that this year begins with a beautiful constellation of planets. They started gathering in the night sky in the middle of last year, and now they are getting ready for the whole assembly.
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Let’s try to unveil a disturbing story about what can happen if we neglect the development of science.
The Great, or Golden End of the World as some called it, was predicted for June 15, 2389.
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Every second, the Andromeda Galaxy (also known as M31) travels 110 kilometers towards us. In one minute, that’s 6,705 kilometers. In less than 10 minutes, you can go around the whole Earth at that speed. That’s a lot of speed.
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Of all the known volcanoes in the solar system, Olympus Mons is the largest. It is located on Mars and is so tall that it almost rises out of the Martian atmosphere. Admittedly, the atmosphere of Mars is quite miserable, rare and shallow.
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There is no reliable information about when and how the magnetic compass was found, but everyone agrees that the ancient Chinese were the ones who, long before the New Era, according to some even 500 years before Christ, were the first to use some kind of such a compass.
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Astrobiologists are so passionately and so persistently looking for extraterrestrial life that they will eventually find it. There is no place in which they do not look and in which they do not measure the conditions.
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Being the pilot of a spaceship in a sci-fi movie is very difficult, especially when you are trying to elude pursuit by driving your ship at breakneck speed through the asteroid belt, because there are countless rocks side by side.
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Today we will be talking about an idea and invention important to all mankind – antibiotics. On Earth and in space, we humans are prone to getting sick, in multiple ways. This is simply the way our immune systems operate, so as always – knowledge is power.
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Sirius is the brightest star in Earth’s night sky. Its apparent size is -1.46 m, and it is 8.6 light years away from us. The name of this star originates from the ancient Greek word Seirios, meaning glowing, red-hot.
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