- 16 March 2016
Due to its extreme temperatures, Achernar is the 9th brightest star in the night sky and is 3,150 times more luminous than the Sun. Before the discovery of Achernar by early voyagers, the star we now call Acamar held the place of brightest star by the early Grecian. However, once Achernar was discovered to be the actual ‘end of the river’, it took its rightful name and place in the constellation of Eridanis.
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- 8 March 2016
Although there is no specific history related to HD 4628, the constellation Pisces was catalogued in the 2nd century by the Greek astronomer, Ptolemy, so it is safe assume that this celestial body has been known for quite some time. Pisces itself represents the mythological Roman beings (Venus and Cupid) who transformed themselves into fish to escape the clutches of Typhon the monster.
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- 3 March 2016
As we approach Spring, space novices and experts alike are in store for some spectacular celestial wonders for the entire month. Here’s what’s up for March 2016…
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- 24 January 2016
We’ve all looked up at the night sky at one time or another and viewed our natural satellite, the moon. But how the moon appeared has everything to do with what phase it was in. Let’s take a look at how the moon changes it appearance during its lunar calendar.
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- 30 December 2015
Did you get a new telescope for the holidays? If so, you may be wondering where to start. Check out our tips to setting up your telescope and where to begin on your journey of star gazing.
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- 20 December 2015
Cassini Spacecraft has been a topic of wonder and delight since it was launched in 1997 with one mission encoded in its system; to reach and study Saturn. As of July 1st, 2004, Cassini has been orbiting the ringed-planet and sending back stunning images we here on Earth may never have gotten the privilege of seeing without NASA’s marvel of technology. Read on to explore just some of the most fabulous (and mind-blowing) pics that Cassini was able to capture on her decade journey around Saturn.
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- 14 December 2015
Even though you may be busy getting ready for the holiday festivities, take some time to catch comet Catalina as it makes its way across the Northern hemisphere’s sky.
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- 10 December 2015
If you love meteor showers (and who doesn’t?) the annual Geminids show is gearing up to begin in a few short days, so grab those lawn chairs or winter jackets, depending on where you hail from, and get ready for a spectacular show!
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- 24 November 2015
Depending on what part of the world you hail from, this week (November 24th – 30th) can bring you a huge Thanksgiving feast (US) the Day of the Rooster (Japan) or perhaps even a feast for the monkeys (Thailand). However, after the party is over and night begins to fall, take some time to look up and appreciate the show our Universe is putting on all this week. Check it out!
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- 21 November 2015
When we gaze into the vast expanse of our galaxy and see those twinkling little orbs of light, we know what we’re looking at are stars, but this word we use to encompass these celestial wonders is far from accurate. Yes, they are indeed stars; however there is a vast difference between stars. And how they are categorized will definitely give you pause-for-thought the next time you’re out star-gazing. Let’s explore the phases of a star to help shine a light on this extensive topic.
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