New Galaxy is Mostly Dark Matter
- 29 August 2016
Astronomers have located a galaxy made up mostly of dark matter. However, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on inside this mysterious location.
Read the full article- 29 August 2016
Astronomers have located a galaxy made up mostly of dark matter. However, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on inside this mysterious location.
Read the full article- 24 August 2016
We know all there is to know about the Apollo 11 moon landing. But do we really? A new movie debuting in january of 2017, is based on one woman, Katherine Johnson, whose mathematical mind played a huge role in the success of this mission. And she did it all in a time when African-American women and men were still fighting for their rights.
Read the full article- 15 August 2016
There are plenty of strange objects orbiting around in our universe. But the discovery of Niko (a trans-Neptunian object TNO) has even the most brilliant minds stumped.
Read the full article- 9 August 2016
We may be fond of gazing up at Mercury in the night sky, without much thought as to how this great planet came to be. But according to researchers, Mercury hasn’t had any volcanic activity for about 3.5 billion years, which plays a major role in its geological makeup.
Read the full article- 1 August 2016
What’s up this August? The night sky offers a spectacular show all month long, so mark your calendar for these upcoming celestial events.
Read the full article- 25 July 2016
We may think we’ve learned all there is to know about our Moon. However, scientists have now discovered the area called, Mare Imbrium (a.k.a. Imbrium Sculpture) was most likely struck by an extremely large object. It was a big enough impact to leave a visible mark on the Moon’s surface.
Read the full article- 19 July 2016
In case you missed the picture earlier this year, DSCOVR has snapped another amazing photo of the moon passing in front of the Earth. This only happens twice a year where the moon and Earth are in perfect sync, and DSCOVR snapped them both.
Read the full article- 11 July 2016
There’s been a lot of excitement and talk about the Juno spacecraft that entered into Jupiter’s orbit on July 4th. However, what those involved didn’t expect was a short film.
Read the full article- 4 July 2016
Today, July 4th, NASA’s Juno spacecraft is on course to enter into Jupiter’s orbit. Here it will circle the gas giant 37 times from pole-to-pole. However, after Juno’s mission is done, it will go down in flames.
Read the full article- 27 June 2016
On July 4th, Juno is set to fire it’s main engine for 35 minutes which will blast it directly into Jupiter’s orbit to embark on a 20 -month journey around the biggest planet in out solar system. But don’t think this unmanned trip is going to be easy. Jupiter’s atmosphere is rough, to say the least…
Read the full article