The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

KELT 9B Supermassive Gas Giant Discovered

- 10 June 2017

NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Astronomers have discovered a massive planet 650 light years away, but it is scorching hot and super massive. Why is it so hot? What makes it 2.5 times larger than Jupiter? Read on to learn more about this massive scorching hot planet.

BOYAJIAN’S STAR The Mystery Continues

- 1 June 2017

NASA/JPL-Caltech, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

If you look into the water and see a dark shadow do you think it is a fish? If it is large, do you think it may be a shark? It is hard to tell from shadow what lies below the surface of the water. Scientists are trying to discover what is passing in front of the Boyajian Star. Read on to learn more about this great mystery.

Traveling Light Speed

- 26 May 2017

How fast have you traveled? Were you in a car or an airplane? How long would it take to travel to the moon if you flew as fast as the speed of light? Read on to learn more about traveling at the speed of light.

Navigation Devices of Ancient Mariners

- 19 May 2017

Do you own a map? Most people these days have a phone that helps them navigate directions. Imagine for a minute not having a map or your phone. How would you find your way to the next town? The ancient mariners used the stars, moon, sun, and planets to help them navigate the vast oceans. Read on to learn about the devices they used.

Betelgeuse The Red Supergiant

- 12 May 2017

You probably know by now that our Earth is not the biggest planet. Compared to our sun we are quite small. Did you know that there are several other stars that are larger than our sun? Read on to learn more about one of these stars. Then be sure to look in the night sky and find it glowing orange.