A personal memorial page to immortalize a loved one among the stars

personal star page

Name a commemorative star and create a personal Star Page. Use the Star Page as an online memorial and keep the best memories alive forever. Read all about creating a memorial page in this blog.

Name a memorial star and keep the memory of your loved one close by forever. It is such a beautiful thing to commemorate a loved one when they’ve passed away. The Star Page which you receive with your Online Star Gift is a wonderful place to commemorate a loved one. Personalize your Star Page and turn it into a memorial page. You can collect messages from others on the Star Page. This is a great way to remember your loved one. Watch the video below and see how you can turn the Star Page into an online memorial.

Setting up a memorial page

In the video we show you the most important steps in setting up a personal memorial page.

Access to your personal memorial page

When naming a memorial star, you receive a Star Page. The login details for this Star Page can be found on the OSR Explanation sheet that is part of the OSR Gift Pack and the Online Star Gift. By logging in with the information stated on the explanation sheet you will be able to access your Star Page. Create your memorial page from this Star Page by personalizing the page to your own liking. You can change the following elements:

Adjusting the color of your memorial page

Adjust the color of your star page to red, blue or pink. For example, choose the favorite color of your loved one or choose the color blue. Blue symbolizes the night sky, where your memorial star can also be found.

Write a personal welcome message

Write a welcome message on the memorial page and welcome visitors. Think of a text from the favorite book or movie of your lost loved one, or a welcome message to all relatives visiting the memorial page. In the welcome message you can also indicate whether next of kin have the option to leave a message in the online condolence register.

Changing the memorial page spotlight photo

Change the spotlight photo to a personal photo that you want to be part of the memorial page. The spotlight photo can be found at the top right of the Star Page.

There are countless possibilities for this image. For example, choose an atmospheric photo that matches the style of the memorial page. Or choose a nice photo of your loved one. The spotlight photo will be the focus of your memorial page.

Post photos and a video

In the center of the Star Page you have the option to share photos and a video of beautiful moments with friends and family. You can collect up to 12 beautiful photos of memories that you and others have had with your loved one. Keep all the memories close by and never lose them out of sight.

Add a video to your loved one’s memorial page. Choose a holiday video, your favorite song from YouTube or choose a video that was made during one of your family gatherings. The choice is entirely yours.

Set up an online condolence register

Leave a message on the memorial page. The Star Page is a wonderful place to keep the memory of your loved one alive. Do this by using your Star Page as an online condolence register.

By collecting the condolence messages on the memorial page, you create a beautiful and emotional online monument to your loved one. And more importantly, by collecting these messages you know you are never alone. Looking for great quotes to share on the memorial page in the online condolence register?  Read our suggestions for memorial quotes here.

Share the memorial page with others

Share the memorial page with others when the page is personalized to your wishes. You can easily do this by using the share buttons at the top and bottom of the page. These buttons allow you to share the Star Page via email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp and more.

Immortalize your loved one among the stars

When naming a star in memory, you get access to a personal Star Page. In this blog, we showed you how to create a memorial page for your loved one. This way you can change the color of the page and add personal photos. The last step is of course to share the memorial page with family, friends and other relatives. Turn the online Star Page into an online memorial and keep the memory of your loved one close by forever.

Name a memorial star