
Made in the USA: Area 51

- 13 December 2024

A hundred and fifty kilometers north of Las Vegas, in Nevada, there is dry place named Lake Groom. Why is this important one might think? Well, next to Groom Lake is a military area about which no information is released to the public, not even an exact name. Therefore, simply, we call it Area 51.

The sequel: What is the immune system?

- 23 November 2024

In the previous part, we learned a lot about the immune system and ended on the wondering note of bacteria fighting off bacteriophages, correct? So the main question arose behind the mechanisms of how exactly they protect their own DNA from being degraded as viral DNA? Let’s get into the details of this and expand our knowledge!

The end of the Sun: how will it happen?

- 14 November 2024

The Sun is in its prime. It was formed in a gigantic cloud of gas and dust 4 billion and 600 million years ago, and consists of hydrogen (74%), helium (25%) and other gases (1%). In the core of the Sun, the temperature reaches an astonishing 15 million degrees Celsius.