- 13 December 2024
A hundred and fifty kilometers north of Las Vegas, in Nevada, there is dry place named Lake Groom. Why is this important one might think? Well, next to Groom Lake is a military area about which no information is released to the public, not even an exact name. Therefore, simply, we call it Area 51.
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- 8 December 2024
As you may have read before in our blogs the story of the two American astronauts trapped in outer space seems to be turning into a frustrating affair, a saga with no end in sight and more empty promises from NASA.
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- 5 December 2024
As the December days continue rolling on the calendar, Christmas and the festive holidays are approaching. No matter which religious or non-religious group you belong to, this is a time that we all experience together, celebrating in our homes.
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- 29 November 2024
Quarks are the particles that make up protons, neutrons and many other particles. There are six of them, classified into three generations while the name “quark” is borrowed from the book Finnegan’s Wake (by James Joyce).
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- 23 November 2024
In the previous part, we learned a lot about the immune system and ended on the wondering note of bacteria fighting off bacteriophages, correct? So the main question arose behind the mechanisms of how exactly they protect their own DNA from being degraded as viral DNA? Let’s get into the details of this and expand our knowledge!
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- 20 November 2024
As things stand now, NASA astronauts will fly to the Moon in 2028. Everything is constantly delayed when it comes to space flights.
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- 17 November 2024
Photographs of celestial bodies have many advantages over direct observation. They record a single moment in time. As such, objects can be studied in detail when the observation is over. The information remains in a database, it can be processed and adapted to research needs and many more.
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- 14 November 2024
The Sun is in its prime. It was formed in a gigantic cloud of gas and dust 4 billion and 600 million years ago, and consists of hydrogen (74%), helium (25%) and other gases (1%). In the core of the Sun, the temperature reaches an astonishing 15 million degrees Celsius.
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- 10 November 2024
When physicists started talking about elementary particles and when they built sufficiently powerful accelerators to search for these particles, the number of new particles began to grow rapidly.
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- 7 November 2024
Yes, folks, this is no joke. As Reuters writes on November 5, Japanese researchers have made a space satellite out of wood and recently sent it into space! How crazy is that?
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