- 2 April 2023
55 years ago, on April 2, 1968, one of the most famous films in the history of cinema, 2001: A Space Odyssey, began to appear on big screens worldwide.
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- 30 March 2023
This morning the entire half of the Moon visible to us was illuminated by the Sun’s rays. We say that the Moon is “full”. At that moment, we were 391,004 km away from our natural satellite.
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- 20 March 2023
Just days ago, the “star trail” successfully landed on the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. To be a little more precise, on March 12, the American spaceship Dragon 5 (Endurance) with a crew of four successfully landed in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico.
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- 17 March 2023
It is clear to all of us that artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the image of the world. Google’s translator, a chess program stronger than a human, Dynamic’s robots, recently ChatGPT, online programs for facial recognition, Google’s Echo, etc. And that’s just the beginning!
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- 8 March 2023
Here’s how you create energy: take 600 million tons of hydrogen and heat it to about 10 million degrees or more. After reaching the desired temperature, you are left with 596 million tons of helium, and the rest, 4 million, evaporates.
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- 13 February 2023
A new discovery on Mars will make many happy. On the neighboring planet, NASA’s Reconnaissance orbiter, which has been circling Mars since 2006 and recording its surface, this time sent a picture of a relief that looks like a bear’s head from afar, from the position of the spacecraft’s camera.
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- 28 January 2023
December 2022, from the depths of the solar system, at a speed of 26,000 km/h, the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft (parked on the ISS) was hit by a micrometeorite and caused serious damage to the cooling system.
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- 16 January 2023
In today’s blog, we will put an emphasis on humanity, ignoring all the limits we set between us here on Earth.
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- 11 January 2023
When the astronauts on the International Space Station woke up on December 14th, they certainly had a lot to see! The Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft (currently serving as a life-threatening rescue vehicle for the ISS crew) was surrounded by a diffuse canopy.
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- 26 December 2022
When one reflects upon the immensity of the universe, it stands to reason that it might be impossible to map it all out. Yet, John Hopkins University astronomers have done just that! Take a look.
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