The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

Comet formation mystery

- 14 July 2023

Comets in the Oort cloud could not have formed in their current places, because the material at such huge distances is so thinned that nothing could really coalesce into objects of several kilometers there.

The valuable use of a stick in astronomy

- 6 July 2023

Do you know what is shown in the image above? Today we might say – a stick stuck in the ground, but in ancient times it was a powerful and precise astronomical instrument. It is professionally called a gnomon and it is the first astronomical instrument created by man.

Observing Miss Venus

- 29 June 2023

Of all the planets, the most tempting objects to observe are Saturn and Jupiter. The first because of its magnificent rings, and the second because of the stripes with which it is speckled and because of the large red spot.

The Crab Nebula: M1

- 25 June 2023

If you have to choose a favorite nebula, choose M1. It was shrouded in mystery for centuries and remained completely enigmatic until the new age. It is a source of important data.

Telescope optics – test time!

- 23 June 2023

Testing optics on a star does not require any special instruments and can be done outside in the night sky. Despite this, the test is so sensitive that it detects and indicates the smallest defect in the optics of the telescope. The test also reveals many problems that are not due to the telescope structure per se and those can be fixed.