8 best tips for Mother’s day 2022 OSR special

Best tips for Mother’s Day 2022

Want to show your mom how thankful you are for her love and support? In this blog we will give you 8 best tips for Mother’s day 2022. Make her eyes twinkle so she will never forget this day!

1. Bake star cookies for your mom

Want to surprise your mom and create something delicious for her? Bake Mother’s Day cookies! You don’t have to be a star in the kitchen, because we will tell you exactly how to make these delicious star cookies. Decorate the cookies with everything your mother likes, and make the surprise complete with her favorite tea or coffee. When the cookies are ready, you can enjoy the heavenly star cookies. So, don’t wait any longer, dive into the kitchen and show your mom she’s a superstar.

2. Name a special star for your mother

The love between you and your mom is unconditional and you want this to last forever. Mother’s day is the perfect day to show your mom how grateful you are for her love and support. She is always there for you and knows better what kind of person you are than anyone else. This makes you love her, to the stars and back. Do you want to make this Mother’s Day even more special? Name a star for your mother! So she can shine forever in the night sky.

3. Make a sparkling coloring page

Are you creative and want to give your mom a unique gift? Download our free sparkling Mother’s Day coloring page! Draw the coloring page in your mom’s favorite colors, so she can display your artwork at a beautiful place in the house. There is nothing better than receiving a personal gift from your child who has put much effort into creating the perfect gift.

4. Write a cute poem or rhyme for your mom

Your mom is the sweetest woman in the world and you want to let her know. You can do this by writing a beautiful message on the text card in our OSR Gift pack, so she can read your kind words over and over again. We would like to help you by giving the best tips for Mother’s Day 2022, so we have already written some cute Mothers Day poems and rhymes for you to draw inspiration from.

Best tips for Mother’s Day 2022

5. Listen to the Mother’s Day audio story special together

Do you want to spend more time with your mother? Get together and listen to our Free Audio Story: the tale of Cassiopeia (Mother’s Day Special). In this audio story we will tell you the tale of Cassiopeia, in our Mother’s Day special. She was a queen from Greek Mythology who was banished by the gods as punishment for her vanity. This constellation is best seen in November and recognized as a wide ‘W’ in the night sky. Let us sweep you away to the kingdom of Ethiopia and discover the history of Cassiopeia.

6. Watch the best seen constellations on Mother’s day

Are you looking for a fun activity to do with your mom? Go watch the stars together! There are a couple constellations best seen on Mother’s Day, and we would like to tell you which ones they are. When you need help with finding the constellations you can use our free OSR Star Finder App or the OSR Star Chart. Spend time with your mother and discover the beauty of the Universe!

7. Make easy Mother’s day Crafts

If you want to make a handmade gift, we have some fun ideas for easy Mother’s day Crafts! Every mom likes to keep photos of you and your family, create a nice keepsake box to put them in so she can store it in a lovely way. Want to spend an evening watching movies with your mom? Then of course snacks are part of the deal. Present them in paper cones and customize them so they match your food. You could also make glass container gifts to hold candy or cookies. You can wash these afterwards and use them again and again. That way your mom has a lasting gift :)

8. Take a look on our Pinterest board for the best gifts for Mother’s day

Looking for more inspiration after reading all our tips for giving your mom the best Mother’s day ever? Take a look on our Pinterest Board with Mother’s Day star gifts. Here we share practical gift tips and much more fun ideas!

In this blog we gave you the best tips for Mother’s Day 2022. Make sure she will never forget this day by naming her a star.

Name a star!