- 14 July 2024
These days, ideas and evidence change like the seasons. Nothing is sacred, including astronomy facts! So, even the firmest positions are easily abandoned as soon as arguments that challenge them appear.
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- 10 July 2024
In the sixties of the last century, serious assessments were made by experts, and deep convictions of the general public were created that going to the Moon, then to Mars, was a natural sequence of events and a historical inevitability.
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- 6 July 2024
Thanks to the Sun’s heat and the atmosphere that makes it tolerable, but also protects the planet from deadly ultraviolet radiation, some scientific circles claim that it was about 4 billion years ago when what we call life began. Now, let’s go through the details of this theory of evolution and along the way some we’ll pick up some other interesting ideas as well.
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- 30 June 2024
The phenomenal ancient Greek mathematician, astronomer, geographer and poet Eratosthenes is considered by many to be one of the greats of ancient astronomy, if not the best, then certainly the most lucid among them.
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- 25 June 2024
The Hubble Space Telescope has a serious history of almost 34 years, a history filled with numerous, often very dramatic events, some of which spoke of the near end of the telescope, of its deorbiting and going into oblivion.
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- 21 June 2024
This question, say cosmologists, is both important and interesting. As often happens, the answer is not simple and easy to give despite all the accumulated knowledge of science over the last centuries.
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- 17 June 2024
Space, cosmos or the universe – these are all lovely synonyms! So, why don’t we start by noting that space is the expanse in which the Earth and all other bodies are located: planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae and everything else that exists?
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- 13 June 2024
With the development of technology, astronomers have recently finally been able to see the most distant objects that can be seen at all. These are ancient galaxies that have been sending us their light since the beginning of time.
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- 8 June 2024
Did you know that the Earth’s axis is currently at an angle of 23.4 degrees and is about halfway through its rotation, a full cycle lasting 41,000 years? We are currently heading towards a minimum tilt, and this will happen in 9800 years!
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- 3 June 2024
When talking about climate change, it is always mentioned that due to not taking care of our home planet, we will gradually lead it to destruction. So, we ask the question – are there, perhaps, different forms of life here on Earth, with a stronger DNA suited for extreme survival? If so, could they make it in space?
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