Tips & Gifts

The Hilarious Christmas Pranks List

- 17 December 2015

Christmas is the time to spread cheer and goodwill towards all men (and women), so why not have a little fun this holiday season with some well-timed and well-executed Christmas pranks? For the die-hard jokester, Christmas is the perfect time to indulge in some good-natured pranking fun. People are less suspecting this time of year and are more easily fooled, so pulling off some (harmless) Christmas pranks can lead to some hearty laughs.

Spice Up Christmas With Your Loved One

- 16 December 2015

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is easy to slip into routines and the busyness of shopping, decorating and planning. However, Christmas should be about more than just gift-giving and receiving. It’s also a great time to reconnect with your significant other.

How to Make Your Own Snow Globe

- 15 December 2015

There is just something about a Christmas snow globe that I can’t resist. Everytime I see one I feel compelled to give it a vigorous shake. To my delight, I’m never disappointed with the gentle sprinkling of “snow” or glitter that showers down on the figurine inside. However, strangely enough, I don’t actually own one of these orbs-of-entertainment… until now. And the best part is I made it myself and so can you!

Classic Christmas Songs: The Ultimate List

- 14 December 2015

When I was growing up, my school took a half hour each morning, a couple of weeks before Christmas, to have us all gather in the gymnasium to sing Christmas songs. It was a great way to get into the spirit of the holidays (not that I needed it) and also a great way to stop the teaching time. This is no longer a practice where I live, but the memories will always be with me.

Christmas Makeup Looks

- 11 December 2015

We all want to look our best and Christmas time is no exception. It is also the time of year that we need the most help – or at least I do. From the constant hassles of food planning, family visits and the kids growing excitement (and the newest must-have Christmas toy that changes on a commercial-to-commercial basis) my face looks tired and worn out…

Christmas Decorating Ideas

- 10 December 2015

It’s time once again to get those decorations out and give your home that once-a-year holiday makeover. I think this is my favorite part of the entire season. I love taking my ordinary room and wrapping it in festive attire. Lights, baubles and holiday ornaments all add a beautiful glow and eye-catching glory to my home. Let’s take a look at some simple and fabulous Christmas decorating ideas that can turn an ordinary object or area into a twinkling seasonal masterpiece – some of these are my favorites.

The Origins of Christmas: Sun, Son or Fun?

- 9 December 2015

Even though Linus (Peanuts) told us what the true meaning of Christmas is all about, there are other origins that have their own ideas. Christmas is explained by various religions, some believing in the Sun as the originator and others, by the Son of God. Read on and find out within 2 minutes why Christmas has developed into the most important holiday on earth.

Surviving Christmas With the “F” Word

- 8 December 2015

You have spent all year avoiding them. You have dodged phone calls, faked being sick when they wanted to visit and turned the lights out and dove behind the sofa when there was that unwanted knock on the door. But the inevitable is just around the corner… Christmas. And with Christmas brings the “F” word… Family.