Tips & Gifts

Inspirational quotes

- 21 October 2020

Inspirational quotes can be a source of light during a dark time. In this blog you can read memorial quotes, hopeful quotes and uplifting quotes with a touch of sparkle to get through a tough time. You can also use some of these quotes to write on a condolence card or a sympathy card. With this blog we hope to help you commemorate your loved one.

Memorial gift; Name a Star

- 22 July 2020

Commemorate a life and name a star as the ultimate gift in memory of a lost loved one. Naming a star is a special gift, with which you can immortalize the memory of a loved one in the heavens. A star as a memorial gift is an eternal light that everyone can look for in the sky.

Name a star as an original condolence gift

- 24 June 2020

What do you give someone who is struggling with the loss of their parents? Days like Mother and Father’s Day may feel difficult to deal with. During these times, the loss of a parent can be confrontational. Name a star to keep treasured memories alive. Or name a star as a gift to your parent or stepparent, to commemorate past times with their own parents.

The Countdown to Christmas Begins

- 11 November 2019

As the colder weather approaches, the department stores are busy reminding us that Christmas is coming. Their shelves are full of fun must-have items that seem like a good idea today, but you inevitably end up regretting come Christmas day.