OSR Guide

Inspirational quotes

- 21 October 2020

Inspirational quotes can be a source of light during a dark time. In this blog you can read memorial quotes, hopeful quotes and uplifting quotes with a touch of sparkle to get through a tough time. You can also use some of these quotes to write on a condolence card or a sympathy card. With this blog we hope to help you commemorate your loved one.

Live with the rhythm of the Moon

- 14 October 2020

Did you know that the Moon has a lot of influence on the Earth and her nature? Therefore, it isn’t unlikely that the Moon will also have an effect on our body and our emotions. Live with the rhythm of the Moon! This can help you to make choices, goals and to create more balance in your life.

Stargazing with children

- 28 September 2020

Are you also so impressed by our starry sky? Maybe your kids are just as fascinated by the moon, stars and planets. Go stargazing with your child and discover the universe! In this blog we tell you everything you need to know about stargazing with children.

The astronomical events of October 2020

- 23 September 2020

October is full of surprises this year – especially surprises in the night sky! Come explore the astronomical events of October 2020 with us! Learn more about the Harvest Moon, the Camelopardalid meteor shower, the Orionid meteor shower, and the close approach of the Moon and Saturn.

The revolving star chart

- 26 August 2020

With the OSR Gift Package you receive a unique revolving star chart. Everything you need to know about the OSR Star Map will be explained in this blog. Here you will find the answers to the questions you might have. Questions such as: what can I do with the star chart and how exactly does it work? Read all the information you need to use your OSR Star Map here!

Memorial gift; Name a Star

- 22 July 2020

Commemorate a life and name a star as the ultimate gift in memory of a lost loved one. Naming a star is a special gift, with which you can immortalize the memory of a loved one in the heavens. A star as a memorial gift is an eternal light that everyone can look for in the sky.