The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

Which star is the biggest out there?

- 13 June 2023

It is not easy to determine which of the known stars is the biggest. According to recent research, it turns out that some stars are twice as massive as what was thought to be possible. Apart from that, there is also a terminological problem: do we mean the star with the largest diameter or the star with the largest mass?

Saturn’s rings are dying

- 3 June 2023

Saturn’s rings are eye candy for keen sky observers. They were first noticed by Galileo in 1610, but he did not know what he was seeing at that time. He had a small telescope with modest magnification, and it seemed to him that Saturn was a planet composed of three parts.