6 Must-have Stargazing essentials

Stargazing essentials

Stargazing is fun! Don’t know what to pack for a night of stargazing? We’ve collected 6 must-have stargazing essentials to catch a glimpse of the wonders of the universe. This blog will help to get you started on your journey learning about the brilliant starry sky. Build memories under the stars and make your night unforgettable!

Telescope or binoculars

If you’re just getting started with astronomy, the best thing to do is to first spend some time under the stars using just your eyes. Get acquainted with the brighter stars and constellations. On a dark clear night, you’re able to see the moon, a few bright constellations and maybe planets with the naked eye. Yet you’re able to discover even more of the galaxy with a telescope or binoculars. A telescope is a must for serious stargazers. If you don’t have a telescope, invest in an affordable set of binoculars so you can see the sky up close. Both are important stargazing essentials.


Just because you’re out at night doesn’t mean you need to be stumbling around in the dark. A headlamp is a must to help find the perfect spot to set up your telescope, camera or tent. Bring a regular white headlamp to ensure you’ll have your hands free while getting a better look at your surroundings. NB: White light disables the rods in our eyes, which makes it harder to see in the dark. Only use your white headlamp at the beginning and at the end of your stargaze session.

Astronomy app or star map

When you first start stargazing, the night sky can seem like a maze of twinkling lights. Using the OSR Star Finder app will help you find constellations and planets in the night sky. Just point the device’s camera toward the starry sky and find the stars and constellations. Star charts are also a great way to navigate the night sky! You can use the OSR Star Map, which comes with the OSR Gift Pack and the Super Star Gift. Both tools can help you make the most of your stargazing experience.

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Stargazing essentials

Red flashlight

You’ve got your star charts and your observing lists all ready to go, but you need a flashlight to see them! That is where a flashlight with red light can come in handy. A red flashlight won’t ruin your night vision, and helps you to see your equipment in dark surroundings. The red flashlight is an excellent addition to your stargazing essentials and a must-have if you want to have a full and unobstructed experience while observing the starry sky.

Observing chair

If you’re planning a long night of astronomical observation, prepare to constantly bend and twist your body to look into your telescope eyepiece. Did you know there are actually observing chairs that recline for easy stargazing? Bring an observing chair you can sit in comfortably for extended periods of time. Lean back and view the stars without craning your neck the whole time. Your back will thank you!

Sleeping bag and tent

Stay comfy while discovering the galaxy. Why not take your stargazing experience a little further and make it a campout? See the Milky Way from your tent! A basic level of comfort should be top priority, right? Grab your sleeping bags and spend a night under the stars. Use your tent and sleeping bag for all-night observing sessions.

Get starry-eyed during a night of stargazing! In this blog, we’ve told you about the 6 must-have stargazing essentials. Explore the night sky with a telescope or binoculars and stay comfortable using an observing chair. Use the free OSR Star Finder app to locate your star and discover constellations in the night sky. Go out and witness something magical!

Download the OSR Star Finder app