The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

Learn about the universe with the Fly me to the stars VR app!

- 25 August 2022

Imagine you were an astronaut exploring the universe, flying from planet to planet. Discover the magic of our galaxy and learn about the planets and stars through a captivating constellation game. The Fly me to the Stars VR app gives you a stunning virtual experience of space in Online Star Register style. In this blog we’ll take you on a journey through the full app experience. Ready to start your space journey?

A Shooting Star Spotting Guide

- 24 August 2022

The basic rule for astronomical observations, including meteor observations, is:  Arm yourself with patience, it very often happens that there is nothing for a few minutes and then in just a few seconds several, brilliant, meteors appear.

The Perseids, Part I

- 21 August 2022

A group of interplanetary matter whose fragments brilliantly collide with the Earth high in the atmosphere, against the starry background of the night, leave no one indifferent. This is especially true if something like this happens in the summer when most people are outside, in the open air, catching a breath of cooler air after the daytime heat.