
82 G. Eridani – Star Facts

- 23 October 2015

In 2011 82 G. Eridani had three planets discovered in its orbit. Each one is considered a ‘super-Earth’ roughly a few times Earth’s mass. They orbit at a rate of about 90 days each, which tells us they are relatively close to 82 G. Eridani. Uranometria Argentina is the Southern-sky catalogue where this star was first listed in the 19th-century by astronomer Benjamin Gould.

Mercury On the Rise this October

- 14 October 2015

If you’re not normally an early-riser, you may want to this October (2015) as Jupiter, Mars and Venus are going to be making an appearance in the sky. And if that isn’t enough to wipe the sleep from your eyes in the predawn hour, you might want to know the elusive Mercury will also be joining the other planets.

Have You Ever Wonder…?

- 6 October 2015

Space and the universe is a vast place. So big that it may make us wonder what it’s all about, what exactly does it hold and where does it end…or does it? We can only view a very minuscule portion of space so we’re left with many unanswered questions. Today we are going to delve into some common queries that us ordinary folk may be pondering. And the answers may just surprise you. Are you ready?

The Blood Moon Eclipse is Coming

- 26 September 2015

If you missed the last three lunar eclipses you’re in luck as we are gearing up for the final of these celestial wonders until 2033. Late Sunday evening on September 27th, 2015 the Earth will slide directly between the moon and the sun which will result in, not only a total eclipse, but will also give the moon a reddish glow. Prophets and preachers call this a “Blood Moon” as it coincides with many Biblical prophecies, scientists call it rare, while we “normal folk” call it an amazing sight to behold. Here are some facts you may find interesting about this natural phenomenon.

What Are You Doing For Astronomy Day?

- 16 September 2015

It’s that time of year again when space enthusiasts (professional and novice) get ready to explore the wonders of the night sky. It’s an exciting occasion that happens only twice a year (Spring and Autumn) and is set to take place Saturday September 19th, 2015. Astronomy clubs, science museums, planetariums and other organizations are ready to share the wonders of space with all those who are interested. Astronomy Day’s theme is “Bringing Astronomy to the People” and that’s exactly what they intend on doing.

In the Southern Hemisphere? Gaze at Mercury All September Long

- 5 September 2015

Although Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system it is also the closest to the Sun and available for interested nighttime sky gazers. That’s right Southern hemisphere’ians (or is that hemisphere’ers?) Mercury will be visible just for you all September long so take advantage of the cooler nights to catch a glimpse of this moonless planet.

Are You a Crab? Take a Look at Your Constellation

- 22 July 2015

Many people are fanatical about following their zodiac sign. If you’re one of them then you know if you were born between June 21st and July 22nd your zodiac sign is Cancer (the Crab). Being born under this sign may give you some distinguishing personality traits, but most of all you can look to the sky to see this intriguing configuration of stars. Let’s explore “the Crab” to discover what it is really all about.

The Wonder of the Sun

- 14 July 2015

For most of us we take the Sun for granted, especially if we live in an area where the rainy days are few and far between. But unless we are scientists (or remember back to those science classes in grade school) we may be lacking the knowledge of how great this big ball of burning heat actually is.