- 26 March 2016
Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This super rock has been the focus of many studies, particularly one bright spot that has risen questions in all those involved with its study. But thanks to the Dawn spacecraft, that bright area has now been further “illuminated.” What was discovered? A “salty” spot.
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- 23 March 2016
A couple of days have past since the first of two comets made a close flyby Earth (the first was on March 21st, 2016 and the second was on March 22nd, 2016). And even though we hear about comets scooting past our small planet on many occasions, these two made headlines because they could be considered “twins.”
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- 19 March 2016
We’ve been to the moon and we’ve been to Mars, so now scientists are putting a proposal together for NASA to take spacecrafts to the icy giants of Neptune and/or Uranus. Impossible? Not at all!
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- 16 March 2016
Although the last name of Herschel may ring a bell, most people associate the surname with William (who made many discoveries in space). However, his sister Caroline, was actually the first women to receive the Royal Astronomical Society’s gold medal in 1828 for the discovery of six new comets and also the first female to be paid for her contributions. This prestigious award would not be given to another woman until 1996.
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- 12 March 2016
A close encounter with Comet Siding Spring (C/2013 A1) in October of 2014 has now shown that Mars magnetic field was thrown into an uproar.
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- 9 March 2016
It’s been just over a year since the Dawn spacecraft slipped int orbit around Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Since March 6th, 2015, Dawn has sent back some exciting data, including images of a mountain on this dwarf planet.
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- 6 March 2016
The Hubble Space Telescope got its most intense workout when scientists pushed it to its very limits and spotted a “new” galaxy that is thought to have existed only 400 million years after the beginning of the universe when it was only 3 percent of its current age.
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- 29 February 2016
Since Pluto fell out of favor as a planet (being demoted to a dwarf planet) scientists are eager to find a ninth planet that could fill the gap Pluto left behind. Could the object spotted in the far reaches of our solar system be it?
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- 24 February 2016
Where oh where has all the gas gone? This is the question researchers have been puzzling over in the galaxy of NGC 4569.
Although, scientists noticed quite some time ago that the gas was disappearing from this galaxy, they didn’t know where it was going…until now.
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- 20 February 2016
A binary system located about 10,000 light-yeas from Earth has been recently given the title of “Longest-lasting Stellar Eclipse.”
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