The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

The “Blue” Moon Makes Its Appearance

- 31 July 2015

We are probably all familiar with the old saying; “once in a blue moon.” Like other folks, I have often wondered where this odd saying originated. Since tonight (Friday July 31st) is actually the occurrence of a “blue” moon let’s explore this “rarity.”

Pack Up, Kepler Finds Another Earth

- 27 July 2015

We may not be to the point of packing up our belongings and moving clear across the solar system, but Kepler has found another Earth-like planet in the habitable zone (an area where water could pool on the surface of a planet orbiting around a sun-like star) that has scientists excited.

Are You a Crab? Take a Look at Your Constellation

- 22 July 2015

Many people are fanatical about following their zodiac sign. If you’re one of them then you know if you were born between June 21st and July 22nd your zodiac sign is Cancer (the Crab). Being born under this sign may give you some distinguishing personality traits, but most of all you can look to the sky to see this intriguing configuration of stars. Let’s explore “the Crab” to discover what it is really all about.

Pluto Jumps Back Into Our Hearts

- 17 July 2015

If you are of a certain age, you probably remember Pluto as being the ninth, the smallest and the outermost planet in our solar system. It was always there on the charts and textbooks, a tiny white marble just beckoning us to discover what she’s all about. However, back then we didn’t have the technology to discover the wonders of this mystery planet called Pluto, but now we do and what the world has learned is about to put this dwarf planet back on the charts and back into our hearts.

The Wonder of the Sun

- 14 July 2015

For most of us we take the Sun for granted, especially if we live in an area where the rainy days are few and far between. But unless we are scientists (or remember back to those science classes in grade school) we may be lacking the knowledge of how great this big ball of burning heat actually is.

Meteor Showers On Demand?

- 11 July 2015

With the age of technology upon us we are never too far from most anything we want; television programs, movies, even pizzas are only a simple click away. But who would have thought we could now order-up a meteor shower?

Behold the Summer Triangle

- 9 July 2015

If you are a stargazer that resides in the Northern hemisphere, then you are probably no stranger to the Summer Triangle. This asterism is at its full viewing-glory during the months of June, July and August so even if you’re not a star-seeking enthusiast this “shapely” trio is relatively easy to find and well worth having a taking a peek at.

The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Resource

- 15 July 2010 - Tags:

Every year, Valentines Day is celebrated in different parts of the world by exchanging candy flowers, gifts, etc between two lovers. There’s hardly any young boy or girl who is not eager to spend most of this day with their valentine and celebrate the spirit of love. Find out what is the ultimate valentines resource that signifies this day of romance, love and tender affection.

Lovely Valentine’s Day Recipes

- 15 July 2010 - Tags:

It is absolutely true that the way to the man’s heart is through his stomach. Cooked mouth-watering food is a wonderful way to impress your loved one on the special Valentines Day. Here are 8 lovely Valentines Day recipes for you to try on with you dearly loved on this valentine. They’ll surely become your favorite…