
Navigation Devices of Ancient Mariners

- 19 May 2017

Do you own a map? Most people these days have a phone that helps them navigate directions. Imagine for a minute not having a map or your phone. How would you find your way to the next town? The ancient mariners used the stars, moon, sun, and planets to help them navigate the vast oceans. Read on to learn about the devices they used.

Johannes Kepler Laws of Planetary Motion

- 28 April 2017

Imagine for a moment that you lived in the year 1594. The telescope has not yet been invented. You believe that the Earth is the center of the universe. Then, a mathematician comes along and states that the sun is at the center of the universe. Would you believe this person? He also states that the moon controls the tides. What would you think? Read on to learn more about Johannes Kepler and his applied laws to planetary motion.

Gods of the Sun and Moon

- 21 April 2017

Emil Doepler, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever read stories about the ancient Gods and Goddesses from different groups of people? They often created these Gods to explain the reason the sun rose or the moon eclipsed. Read on to learn more the Sun and Moon Gods.

Can Scientists Predict an Asteroid Hitting the Earth?

- 24 March 2017

Have you ever seen a shooting star? Due to the speed and small size it burns quickly as it passes thru Earth’s atmosphere. Asteroids are larger, and do not fully burn up, therefore they hit the Earth. Are scientists able to predict when asteroids will hit the Earth? Read on to find out more.

Volcanoes In Outer Space

- 17 March 2017

Volcanoes are formed on Earth when two tectonic plates collide. Without tectonic plates how would a volcano form? Is it still possible? If so, what would cause the volcano to form? Read on to find out about volcanoes in space.

Photographing a Black Hole

- 10 March 2017

NASA/JPL-Caltech, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Have you ever tried to take a picture of something at night? Were you able to see the image clearly in your photograph? Have you ever tried to take a photograph of something a mile away? How about 26,000 light years away? Scientists want to take special pictures of a black hole next month, but they will need a camera as big as the Earth. How will they accomplish this task? Read on to find out how they plan to take pictures of a black hole.