
KELT 9B Supermassive Gas Giant Discovered

- 10 June 2017

NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Astronomers have discovered a massive planet 650 light years away, but it is scorching hot and super massive. Why is it so hot? What makes it 2.5 times larger than Jupiter? Read on to learn more about this massive scorching hot planet.

Best Space Images of 2016

- 2 January 2017

As we embark on a new year, there are plenty of awesome things to look forward to, especially in the space-arena. But before we get excited about all the mysteries that are about to unfold this year, let’s take a look back at some of the most amazing images captured by the space program.

Spacecraft Cassini Drives Through Saturn’s Rings

- 29 December 2016

NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

For as long as the planets have been discovered, scientists and observers have pondered the mysteries of Saturn’s rings. Although, research has answered some of those questions, now with the help of the Cassini spacecraft, the world is about to get an up close and detailed analysis of exactly what those icy structures are all about.

Need a Corporate or Employee Gift? Check This Out!

- 7 December 2016

Tis the season for gift giving, but when it comes to corporate or employee presents, it may be difficult to find that perfect gift. Coffee mugs and gift cards are worn-out ideas that leave a vague impression on the gift recipient, So why not wow them this Christmas with a gift that’s literally out of this world?