Libra Constellation Gift? Name a Star in Libra!

Buy a star for someone

- 28 September 2023

Buy a star for someone, the most original gift in the universe! You can buy one for your loved one, a parent, a friend or anyone who is celebrating a special event! In this blog we’ll tell you all about the why and how about buying a star as a gift.

Have We Just Found Signs of Life on Exoplanet K2-18b?

- 13 September 2023

After previously discovering water vapour on an exoplanet for the first time, scientists have finally been able to point the incredible James Webb Space Telescope at K2-18b – and the results are amazing! In this article, we’ll examine the findings and discuss what they could mean in the search for extraterrestrial life.

How Can I Find My Star?

- 10 August 2023

How to find your star? You have been given a beautiful, personal gift: your own star. In this blog we will tell you all about how you can best enjoy your everlasting gift. You’ll learn everything there is to know about our stargazing tools that will help you find your star!

Ten Essential Stargazing Tips

- 31 July 2023

In this article, we will share ten essential tips that will enhance your stargazing adventures and deepen your connection with the universe. Whether you are a seasoned astronomer or a beginner looking to embark on this celestial journey, these tips will help you confidently navigate the night sky and discover the hidden wonders that await.