How Can I Find My Star?

OSR Telescope

How to find your star? You have been given a beautiful, personal gift: your own star. In this blog we will tell you all about how you can best enjoy your everlasting gift. You’ll learn everything there is to know about our stargazing tools that will help you find your star!

We have different stargazing tools available that you will find in your gift. Try our Revolving Star Chart, the Super Star Poster or the beautiful telescope. We also have digital tools to help you find your star. Use the OSR Star Finder App, the One Million Stars or Google Sky. There are multiple ways to help you locate your star to get the most out of your beautiful gift!

Revolving Star Chart

In every gift pack, you will find our revolving star chart that will help you find your star! It is really easy to use. All you need are your star coördinates. First, see what side of the Star Chart you need, one is for the Northern Hemisphere and the other is for the Southern Hemisphere. Find your coördinates on the outer ring of the chart and draw a line towards the chosen constellation. This way you can easily find your star using our OSR Star Chart!

OSR Telescope

With every Super Star Gift, you get your own OSR telescope that you can use to find your star. It is compact and easy to take with you. The telescope expands to be 14 centimeters long and will help you seeing your star from a greater distance. For a perfect focus, you can twist the eyeglass a bit to be able to get an even clearer image to see your own star!

OSR Super Star Poster

OSR Super Star Poster

If you have received our Super Star Gift, you also received our Super Star Poster in the colors of your star! On every poster, you can see all the constellations. Your own star is marked on it, so you can easily see where in the chosen constellation your star is located! The poster looks great in your home, and is also a great way to find your star.

Find your star by your constellation

Your star is located near a traditional constellation. We have 88 constellations available that you can choose from, for example the twelve zodiacs, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, but also less known constellations such as Chamaeleon and Musca. Not all constellations are visible from every country or every moment, but if the constellation is visible to you, you will be able to find your star easily, by just looking up at the night sky. If you see your constellation, you will know your star is close by!

OSR Star Finder App

With your star registration and a mobile phone, it’s easy to find your star. All you need is the OSR Star Finder app. It’s free to download for both Android and Iphone. Add your registration code in the app and click on navigate. Point your phone towards the sky in the direction the app tells you, and this way you can easily find your star by using the OSR Star Finder App!

One Million Stars App

One Million Stars

Online Star Register also has the One Million Stars browser app where you can find your star in a 3D experience. You can zoom in to see what your star looks like from up close, and zoom out to see where you can find it in the galaxy!

Google Earth

Did you know you can also use Google Earth to find your star? Download the software and start it. Click on the planet icon, choose ‘Sky’ and enter the coördinates in this format: 13:03:33.35 -49:31:38.1. This way you can find your star using Google!

There are different ways to find your star. In this blog we highlighted all the ways you can find your star. Use the night sky, your phone or our OSR tools to find and enjoy your star!

Name a star