The Online Star Register Blog

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Epsilon Canis Majoris – Star Facts

- 29 January 2020

Epsilon Canis Majoris is also known as Adhara, an Arabic word meaning ‘virgins’. It’s the second brightest star in Canis Major and 24th overall in the night sky. However, 4.7 million years-ago Adhara was actually the most luminous in the sky. No other star has ever been this bright, nor is one expected to be for at least five million years.

Epsilon Boötis – Star Facts

- 24 January 2020

Epsilon Boötiis is also known as Izar from the Arabic word meaning ‘veil’ and Pulcherrima which is Latin for ‘the loveliest’. In 1973 a Scottish astronomer and science fiction writer, Duncan Lunan, said he interpreted a message from the 1920s probe orbiting the Moon. He claimed the message was sent to the probe from the inhabitants of a planet orbiting Epsilon Bootis.