
Hubble Unveils the Veil Nebula

- 28 September 2015

Cygnus is not only the 16th largest constellation in our solar system (made up of seventeen main stars) it is also home to a strikingly beautiful and intriguing Nebula called, the Veil Nebula. NASA’s Hubble Telescope has zoomed in on this celestial marvel to reveal one of the most fascinating space pics you may ever feast your eyes on. Check it out!

Black Holes Are Coming Out of the Dark

- 23 September 2015

Black Holes are one of the strangest and most fascinating of all the celestial wonders. They have been a cause of mystery and delight ever since Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicted their existence in 1916. Today, we have learned many things about these dense, light-less objects, so much so that the black hole had disappeared into outer space without a second thought…until now.

Space Rock Bombardment Has Left Us With a “Porous” Moon

- 16 September 2015

Scientists report to us that there are always meteoroids flying through space, some hurtle close by our planet while others make an impact; however, the percentage of these space rocks that actually collide with Earth are rare with most just fizzling out in our atmosphere. But that statement isn’t true with our moon. In fact, researchers are now taking a closer look at the Lunar Highlands – located on the far side of the moon – to determine what the constant collisions of space debris has done to its surface.

Saturn’s “A Ring” May Be Running a Temperature

- 8 September 2015

Perhaps one of the most fascinating attributes of Saturn is its rings. Children as well as adults have marveled at this planet’s circular “girdle” but now we have even more to ponder with the discovery of significant temperature changes on Saturn’s “A ring” which scientists are coining “a fever.”

The “Heartbeat” of a Dying Star

- 1 September 2015

Astronomers at the University of Warwick have discovered a new wonder that could change the way we perceive the process of a dying star. With the help of Kepler spacecraft a white dwarf (PG1149+057) in the constellation of Virgo was targeted and what they discovered may make your heart skip a beat.

A Cosmic Butterfly Named The Twin Jet Nebula

- 29 August 2015

One of the latest images captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is that of the expanding shells of a binary star system. This beautiful “cosmic butterfly” is not only stunning visually, but lets scientists further study the process of binary stars in their final stage of evolution.

Mars Appears As a “Double” Moon?

- 26 August 2015

You may have read a headline or two about Mars appearing in the night sky as full and round as the moon. In fact, the story has been making its way around the internet for the last 12 years, usually about this time of year (end of August). Unfortunately for those of you anxiously awaiting this unbelievable phenomenon I’m sad to say it’s all a hoax, folk

Titan, Saturn’s Mysterious Moon

- 22 August 2015

It’s been over 10 years now since Huygens – a flattened cylinder-shaped probe filled with sensors and cameras – hurtled through the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon, Titan and landed on its mysterious surface. The exciting discoveries have thrilled the scientific community and astronomers (both professional and novice) alike.