How to Reveal Yourself to Your Valentine Crush

Valentines Day Reveal

February 14th is the traditional day where love is in the air and on everyone’s lips. But what if you are secretly pining away for that one special person you just can’t stop thinking about? This day can be a nasty reminder that your love has not yet been explored and is definitely unrequited. If this is you, then read on to discover some romantic and unique ways to let that person know how you secretly feel.

Revealing is NOT Stalking

The first thing one has to remember when revealing feelings to a crush, is not to come off as creepy or that you are stalking them. Your admired should not feel the need to look over their shoulder every three seconds or ponder getting a restraining order against you.

Your Valentine Crush

Lurking can be misconstrued as creepy

Lurking can be misconstrued as creepy

Keep your gestures friendly, but not so much that you make them feel uncomfortable – asking for a lock of their hair to keep close to you at night is a BAD idea. In this same line of thinking is lurking. When you plan on being in the same place as your intended love, then just peek around corners or hide behind objects, staring at them, this is also very unnerving to your Valentine and will only put you high up on the creep-factor.

Food and Email

Send in take out food with a nice note or a friendly email

Send in take out food with a nice note or a friendly email

Sweet Notes

Leaving a cute card or note in your crush’s mailbox or desk can be a sweet valentine surprise to let them know you are interested in them. If you use Valentine’s day as your day of letting them know how you feel, you can find plenty of whimsical cards or notes that can make your intentions know. However, here again you have to play it smart and use common sense. Don’t use scary symbols or blood dripping hearts to put your feelings across, skull and crossbones are also a poor choice, even if they do have hearts coming out of them. These cards can be taken as threats and may land you real handcuffs, not the fuzzy love cuffs, you may have wanted.

Thoughtful Gestures

If you have known your secret crush for a while, then you have probably noticed things about them, like how they like they coffee taken or what their favorite take-out food is. Noticing then acting on these small thoughtful moments is a pleasant and non-creepy way to show that special person you care. For example, if your eligible boss is working late, then have his favorite take-out food ordered in for him and be sure to attach a note saying you thought he may need a nibble. If your co-worker is complaining she never has time for herself, then give her a certificate for a spa treatment then free her up to go. Little things can go a long way in how a person views you and will help get those hidden feelings out in the open.

Get Techie

Thanks to modern technology, you can send your crush texts and use the email. This helps if you’re a bit shy and helps break the ice to a potential date. There’s nothing wrong with hiding behind the technology until you work the nerve up, but don’t let this go on too long. Like other ways to reveal those true feelings, sending multiple messages can come off as stalking and may not be appreciated by your intended love. Keep these fun and upbeat and never mention that you know where they currently are, what they are up to and how they are dressed, even if you DO know all those facts.

Your one true love

Your secret crush could become your one true love

Your secret crush could become your one true love

Be Yourself

Lastly and perhaps the most important tip is to be yourself. Pretending to be someone else or using your friend’s “sure-fire” moves are nerve-racking and most often will not work. Planning and executing your own sweet gestures will make you more comfortable in the moment and can be done in a way that feels right to you. In addition, pretending to be something you’re not to get the attention and affection of a person, will only show up later to bite you in the Valentine, so keep it honest.

Revealing yourself to a crush doesn’t have to give you hives from the stress or land you in stalkers jail. Be kind and considerate and know when the time is right to really let that special person know you are interested. Sure it may not work out, but you will never know until you try. And who knows, you might just find yourself with your true love for the rest of your life.

Valentine’s Day Gift? Name a Star!