Valentine’s Day Facts That Make You Look Smart

Valentines Day Facts

Valentine’s Day… February 14th. A day when we should remember our significant other and be happy they are in our lives. It’s also the perfect occasion to indulge in some chocolate, wine, roses, love and romance. If you are just starting out in a relationship, or are trying to meet someone special, then you may not have to haul out the heavy artillery of the typical Valentine’s Day fare just yet; however, you will still want to have something to make an impression with. If this doesn’t include a fancy car or a stunning wardrobe, then you may have to resort to your smarts. Check out these interesting Valentine’s Day fun facts that will have you sounding like a well-read scholar.

Valentine Candy and Flowers

Charm her with more than just candy and flowers

Charm her with more than just candy and flowers

Where it All Began…

If you are going to impress people with your Valentine’s Day repertoire, then you should probably know where it all began. There are many theories for Valentine’s Day, but the most popular (and very likely one) is said to have started with one man, way back in 270 AD in the Roman Empire.

Back in the day, during the reign of Claudius II, he decreed a rule that his soldiers were not to be married – he thought this would make them better soldiers. However, despite the attempts of Claudius, a Bishop named, Valentine, went ahead and married these men anyway. Once found out, Valentine was put in jail and ordered the be executed on…you guessed it, February 14th. But wait, there’s more proof! While the ex-Bishop was waiting for his death to be carried through, he wrote a love letter to the jailor’s daughter, signing it, “from your Valentine”.

For some quick first impressions, check out these other historical Valentine’s Day facts:

  • The expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve” dates back to Valentine’s Day in the Middle Ages. During this time period, men and women would draw names from a bowl. Once the name was drawn they would pin it onto their sleeve to be worn for one week so everyone would know who their Valentine was.
  • Women in the Medieval times would eat strange foods on St. Valentine’s Day to make them dream of their future husband – I would recommend spicy tacos.
  • Did you know the X symbol that is synonymous with the kiss also dates back to Medieval times? Those who were not able to sign their names, signed with an X. After this they would kiss the paper to show their sincerity.
Valentine Chocolate

Impress with Valentine's Day chocolate factoids

Impress with Valentine’s Day chocolate factoids

The Sweet Facts About Chocolate

What did we do before the sweet richness of creamy chocolate? It is a favorite in desserts, icecream, puddings and all sorts of confectionaries. In fact, around 1 billion dollars worth of chocolate is purchased in the United States alone each February 14th. And those heart-shaped boxes? Around 35 million are purchased each year.

The very first Valentine’s Day chocolates were invented back in the late 1800’s by a man named, Richard Cadbury…yes he is the same Cadbury whose candy has been adored for ages. Check out these other sweet facts to impress your sweetie this Valentine’s day;

  • It is thought the “world’s greatest lover,” Casanova, used to eat chocolate to make him more passionate.
  • The reason we eat chocolate when we are depressed or upset may stem from the 1800’s. In this time period, doctors would prescribe a healthy dose of the sweet stuff to help when pining for a lost love.
Valentine Roses

Charm her with more than just candy and flowers

Charm her with more than just candy and flowers

Roses are Red…

The traditional flower of Valentine’s Day could be considered the red rose. These delicate beauties have found their way into the arms and vases of women across the world for generations. Why? Because the color red is a symbol of passion, heat and our very life source, blood itself. In fact, around 190 million of these long-stemmed flowers will be sold in the US this Valentine’s Day, 110 million of these being delivered within the three days of this special occasion. Since these flowers do take some time to grow and cultivate and with so many being sold, how can they keep up with the demand? Interesting enough, California produces around 60 percent of all the roses available on Valentine’s Day, while the rest are being mostly imported from South America.

Now that you are armed with some fun Valentine’s Day facts, you are ready to go out and dazzle your one true love with your keen knowledge. However, if you’ve been with your true love for a while, don’t forget the chocolate and flowers… we need something to eat and look at while you are regaling us with your intelligence.

Valentine’s Day Gift? Name a Star!