Free Valentine’s Day Poems

Poems, anytime are a great way to expresses your feelings for your loved ones. It is a very special and elegant manner to say what you want in a few, simple words. These fantastic valentine’s poems says enough without saying too much, and can be sent to family, friends, co-workers, anyone! We have tried to present a good collection of free Valentine’s Day poems for you, and we are sure that you will like them.

The Passionate shepherd to his love By Christopher Marlow

Christopher Marlowe (1564-1539) was an English dramatist, popularly known as the father of English tragedy. His father was John Marlowe who is said to have been the grandson of John Morley or Marlowe, a substantial tanner of Canterbury. This famous dramatist received the rudiments of his education at the King’s School, Canterbury where he had as his fellow-pupils Richard Boyle, afterwards known as the great Earl of Cork, and Will Lyle.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day By William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was the world’s famous and most popular playwright and historian of the 16th century. Born in April 23, 1564 he was raised in Stratford, England. It is considered that the 154 sonnets and 37 plays written by him are the most enduring ever. His most important plays include Romeo and Juliet, much ado about nothing, King Lear and Macbeth.

Song to Celia By Ben Jonson (1619)

Ben Jonson was a complete contrast to Shakespeare in terms of artistic theories and practices. He was born in 1573 in London to an impoverished clergyman. It was through William Camden, one of the greatest scholars of the time, who gave him a classic bent of mind. In the year 1598, he displayed his distinctive realistic style in the comedy ‘Every Man in His Humour’ that was acted by Shakespeare’s company, it is said through Shakespeare’s friendly influence.

If thou must love me By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett is considered one of the most popular poets of the Victorian era. Her best works include Sonnets from the Portuguese, love poems written secretly during her courtship by Robert Browning, with whom she eloped to Italy at the age of 40. Her work was complete of poems that commented on political and social issues, championing freedom, protesting oppression, and addressing men’s domination of women.

A Red, Red Rose By Robert Burns

Robert Burns, Scotland’s famous poet was considered an important pioneer to the Romantic Movement in poetry. He was born in 1759 in Scotland, the eldest of seven children of William Burness in Alloway. More than two centuries later, his life and his poems are celebrated annually even now in ritual Burns Suppers every January.

A Poet to His Beloved By William Butler Yeats

A towering figure of the 20th century, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923 was both poet and playwright. He was born into a wealthy, artistic Anglo-Irish family in Dublin in 1865. As a young man, he was interested in the works of William Blake and Emmanuel Swedenbor; also he became a member of the Theosophical Society and Golden Dawn. Although, his early poetry was inspired by authors like Shelley and Spenser and drew on Irish folklore and mythology at that times.

To My Dear and Loving Husband By Anne Bradstreet (1678)

Anne Bradstreet, former name Anne Dudley was one of six children of Thomas Dudley and Dorothy Yorke Dudley. She was America’s first published poet and popular known through her writings for her close view of life in early Puritan New England.

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot (1915)

Thomas Stearns Elliot, born in 1888 in St. Louise was a famous American writer. Amongst his exceptional work, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and “The Waste Land,” are prominent. He was educated at Harvard and did work in philosophy at the Sorbonne, Harvard, and Merton College, Oxford. Never the one to compromise with the public or with language itself, he has always with the stern belief that poetry should aim at a representation of the complexities of modern civilization.

Love By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor was also a noted critic and philosopher, and the influence of his thought and attitude can be seen in many succeeding generations of poets. He was one of the founders of the Romantic Movement in poetry along with his good friend William Wordsworth, with whom he published the revolutionary Lyrical Ballads in 1798.

Life in a Love By Robert Browning

Robert Browning (1812-1889) was an English playwright and master of dramatic dialogue poetry. He was the eldest child among his siblings born to a wealthy clerk, who was also a scholar and collector of books. As early as the age 12, he began to write poetry finding inspiration in both his parents. He married fellow English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning in 1846..

We really hope that you have enjoyed these free Valentine’s Day messages and Valentine sayings. You can accompany these with a Valentine’s Day Gift to present to your date this year. Enjoy and Best of Luck!

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