How to Conquer Your Valentine

Valentines Day How To

Valentine’s Day is a holiday for love, we all know that, but if you really want to make your special someone’s Valentine’s Day truly memorable, then you have to think outside of the heart-shaped box. That’s right, guys and gals, those tired boxes of candy, traditional flowers and hearty cards are cute, but they are also so overdone it is a cliche.

This Valentine’s Day say “no” to the easy gifts and find something your lover will really appreciate. Check out our Valentine gift ideas that are sure to make your intended love stand up and take notice.

No Flowers and Candy please

Say no to flowers and candy

Say no to flowers and candy

What Does He or She REALLY Like?

Sure, we all like candy, flowers and cards, but to conquer your Valentine’s heart this February 14th, think about what truly interests them. If your true love has a heart for animals, then there are plenty of organizations that will let you “adopt” a wild animal of your choice. These can be anywhere from polar bears to monkeys to whales and usually come with a stuffed toy or a certificate to recognize your support.

Love Gift

Give them a gift to remember

Give them a gift to remember

Does your guy love sports? Then why not set up a special evening of food and fun sports? If you can get tickets to a sporting event in your area, even better. Make this a special time between the two of you as a couple – even if you’re not into sweaty athletes chasing after a ball – your guy will love the thought and effort more than another sappy card.

If your Valentine enjoys old books or antiques, then this is the perfect time to look for that special piece that will mean all the more to them because it came from you. Antique stores can be little nooks in out-of-the-way places, so check your local directory or the internet for these speciality stores in your area. Once there, truly look around to see what might interest your Valentine. Antiques make great gifts that can’t be found in every store.

Sentimental and Special

The very essence of Valentine’s Day is the heart. So why not find a gift that is lasting and heartfelt? Star Gifts are a perfect way to give your true love a forever token of your love and devotion. These sites are designed to let you purchase an actual celestial star and name it after your Valentine. The unique star will come with a certificate and/or a plush toy (depending on which package you choose) and is perfect way to give a truly one-of-a-kind gift.

Guys, if you really want to charm that special gal in your life this Valentine’s Day, try a reenactment of your first date. Take her along the path of your first romance to show her you remember the occasion. It doesn’t matter if it’s exactly as it was, the thought is a gesture that won’t go unrecognized. If your first date was a disaster, take her along your “intended” first date and use the memories of that time to laugh and reminisce. This type of Valentine gift would also be made even more special with some tokens you may have saved. Old love letters, gifts and other memorabilia will really top of this fantastic evening.

Love from the heart

Make it from the heart

Make it from the heart

The Heart Can Be Where the Home Is

Not all Valentine’s need to be celebrated in a big fancy restaurant. Put some thought and extra care into a well-planned and executed dinner at home. Make your love’s favorite dishes or try some romantic recipes, add in a nice bottle of wine or some sparkling drinks and you have a night to remember. The intimate setting is more conducive to chatting and really connecting as a couple. After the meal, be open to taking a nice stroll, drive or even dancing in the moonlight or candle lit room. These acts of romance are sure way to conquer that special someone’s heart and soul.

Even if you’re not a writer or a poet at heart, you can still make an impression with a love letter. Take some time to truly think about your special someone, then write down those thoughts and feelings. This can be done on paper with a pen, or done on your computer with a beautiful font. Taking the time to articulate how you really feel for someone can mean more than all the roses and candy in the world.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be another boring box of candy or flowers that will only die. Give your true love a thoughtful and unique gift that is sure to bring a smile to their face each time they see or remember it.

Valentine’s Day Gift? Name a Star!