Libra Traits: Explore Fun Activities, Best Zodiac Match & Motto

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Are you born between September 23 and October 22? Then your zodiac sign is Libra! A Gemini is a great soulmate for Libra. Are you curious why and want to discover all Libra traits? We’d love to tell you more in our blog!

Character traits

Graceful, peaceful and idealistic are character traits that describe a Libra best.


A Libra likes to look neat and elegant. You always make sure to leave the house well-groomed. Because of the elegance you radiate, you automatically draw attention to people of the opposite sex. Because of your pleasant appearance, people love to be around you and will do anything to get your attention.


Someone with the Libra zodiac sign is generally a calm person. It’s not often that you get stressed. You can keep it cool in any situation. That’s why your friends go to you when they are feeling restless. You always make them feel relaxed.


Libras are seen as idealistic people, which means you have a clear view of your ideals. Achieving your goals is something you always strive for. If you want to know all Libra traits, you make sure that you won’t miss anything. You are also busy coming up with new and fun ideas to improve the world. Your actions encourage other people to do better, like leaving less waste and wasting less food.

Libra traits

Fun activities

You like to be outdoors and prefer to watch the sunset in a quiet and serene place. You like the peace that a natural environment brings. Here you can relax and clear your head. A nice walk on a quiet beach or a mountain trail will make you happy. But also a stroll through the park and a picnic with a beautiful view are fun activities for you!

Best match

The best match for a Libra is a person with the zodiac sign Gemini. There is a natural chemistry between you, even in a large group you are drawn to each other. When you decide to completely open up to someone with the Gemini zodiac sign, you will find in them a partner for life.


The motto of someone with the Libra zodiac sign is: “I fall too fast, forgive too easily and care too much”. This indicates that you are a very sensitive person who has trouble letting go. Libras are elegant, calm, idealistic people. You like to be outdoors to completely relax. Your best match is a Gemini.

Because you are idealistic, you have quietly taken the time to learn all about Libra traits. Do you want to discover how this constellation shines in the night sky? Download the free OSR Star Finder App and learn more about your zodiac sign with OSR!

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