Name a star as thoughtful coronavisrus gift for anyone who needs support during the outbreak

perfect coronavirus gift, send light and joy

Shine a light for hope and joy in these difficult times. Name a star to help our loved ones get through the impact the novel coronavirus has on their lives. A perfect gift to send light in a time where we all need a bright spot to look out for.

A coronavirus gift is the perfect way to help and support our loved ones. Most of us are impacted by the coronavirus in some way, and we all know someone struggling to get through these times. The current situation forces us to adapt when the world is a different place that it was, only a few weeks ago. Let’s not forget we are all under the same stars and need to make it work together. To let your loves ones know you’re thinking of them, name a star as a symbol of hope and light.

Name a star as the perfect coronavirus gift

Naming a star is the perfect gift to give to those who are experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 disease. For your friend or family member that feels alone in their home, grandparents who cannot visit their grandchildren, and lets not forget the medical personnel that are working day and night to keep us healthy and safe. To those people in need of a silver lining among the horizon, naming a star for them is a great way to lighten their spirits.

Connect through the stars

Naming a star is a symbol of light, strength and hope. As the North Star is used to guide sailors home, OSR allows you to name your own star for light and guidance through a dark time. To name a star; choose a star name, star date and constellation. Add an inspirational message to the personal message card for that extra positive detail that makes this the perfect coronavirus gift. With our Online Star Gift you will receive a fully digital gift with beautifully designed pdf documents containing all your star registration details. Perfect to send directly to the recipient to make their eyes twinkle.

Locate the star right away by using the OSR Star Finder App. The app is easy to download so the star can be found by anyone in possession of the registration code. When you miss your friends, name a star after them and share the registration code. That way you will be able to all navigate to the same star together. The best way to feel connected is to share the experience of looking up at your own stars!

Shine a light in a dark time

By naming a star you’ll bring a guiding light to those loved ones impacted by the corona virus. With a bright star named in the night sky, your loves ones will feel loved and appreciated. Always being able to look up at the stars will decrease the distance between family and friends, grandparents and grandchildren. It’ll also brighten the daily struggles of our healthcare providers. If you are thinking of sending a coronavirus gift with the right meaning, name a star!

Look up at the same star and feel closer, not matter how far apart

Name a star for hope and joy!