The Online Star Register Blog

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Valentine’s Day Facts That Make You Look Smart

- 10 January 2017

Valentine’s Day… February 14th. A day when we should remember our significant other and be happy they are in our lives. It’s also the perfect occasion to indulge in some chocolate, wine, roses, love and romance. If you are just starting out in a relationship, or are trying to meet someone special, then you may not have to haul out the heavy artillery of the typical Valentine’s Day fare just yet; however, you will still want to have something to make an impression with. If this doesn’t include a fancy car or a stunning wardrobe, then you may have to resort to your smarts. Check out these interesting Valentine’s Day fun facts that will have you sounding like a well-read scholar.

How to Reveal Yourself to Your Valentine Crush

- 9 January 2017

February 14th is the traditional day where love is in the air and on everyone’s lips. But what if you are secretly pining away for that one special person you just can’t stop thinking about? This day can be a nasty reminder that your love has not yet been explored and is definitely unrequited. If this is you, then read on to discover some romantic and unique ways to let that person know how you secretly feel.

Valentine’s Day Text Messages

- 8 January 2017

We have come a long way in our ability to communicate with one another. From smoke signals, to the written letter, to telephone and now email and text messaging via sms and services like Whatsapp, the world has given us the technology and the speed to send messages in the blink of an eye – as fast as you can think it, the message is delivered… well… almost. We may not have the mental telepathy to send our thoughts and sentiments instantaneously, but text messaging is pretty close.

How to Write a Love Letter

- 7 January 2017

Love letters are as old as the written language. The words were often heartfelt and eloquent as lover’s would commit their thoughts and feelings to paper. Today, we’ve seemed to have drifted away from a good ole-fashioned love letter. Our communication has become a series of quick tweets and texts that leave little room for anything deeper than lol, brb or b4u.

Valentine Cupcakes

- 6 January 2017

Forget about cake. The world of sugary desserts and party foods has embraced the sweetness and convenience of the cupcake. These mini-me’s of the cake world have been making parties and events yummy and delicious for quite some time now. Why? Because these smaller-sized individual cakes open up a host of decorating possibilities over the traditional cake.

How to Conquer Your Valentine

- 5 January 2017

Valentine’s Day is a holiday for love, we all know that, but if you really want to make your special someone’s Valentine’s Day truly memorable, then you have to think outside of the heart-shaped box. That’s right, guys and gals, those tired boxes of candy, traditional flowers and hearty cards are cute, but they are also so overdone it is a cliche.

The Best Kiss Ever Tutorial

- 4 January 2017

That first kiss is something we all remember. The softness of each other’s lips, the intimate exchange of one person joining another, it can be the best feeling in the world… or it can be a horrific moment we would love to erase from our memories.

Valentine Quotes: The Ultimate Collection

- 3 January 2017

This a sweet sentiment, but it has also become overused and tired out over the decades. Wouldn’t it be nice to impress your love with a fresh line that hasn’t been used repeatedly by Hallmark and on those whimsical kids’ Valentine’s day cards? If you truly want to impress someone this February 14th, check out our ultimate collection of romantic and beautifully written quotes that are sure to melt the heart of your intended Valentine. Whether you want sappy, comical or practical, we’ve got you covered…

Best Space Images of 2016

- 2 January 2017

As we embark on a new year, there are plenty of awesome things to look forward to, especially in the space-arena. But before we get excited about all the mysteries that are about to unfold this year, let’s take a look back at some of the most amazing images captured by the space program.