The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

Dark matter and dark energy – do you know the difference?

- 24 March 2024

Just when scientists think that they have reached the end, that they have listed all the important facts about the world and the entire universe in general, that they have discovered all the formulas that describe everything about nature that comes to mind – they actually find we don’t know almost anything because there is such a vast expanse of ignorance.

The Orion nebula

- 10 March 2024

The Orion Nebula is one of the most interesting objects in the deep sky. It is a regular target of amateur astronomers, an inevitable goal of astrophotographers and the subject of constant observation and study by professional astronomers of various specialties.

The origin of the Moon: Three theories worth knowing

- 14 February 2024

It can be said with certainty that the Moon has been an object of interest and study for people since the earliest days. This is understandable, if we take into account that it is our closest celestial neighbor, and next to the Sun, it is the most dominant object in the sky. But what has accelerated the study of the Moon in modern times originates from completely different reasons. Let’s find out why.