- 8 February 2023
50,000 years ago comet C/2022 E3 or simply E3, came to the Sun, circled it and then returned to the dark depths of the Solar System – until now. Now it is here again, the comet has circled the Sun again and in these days will pass at the smallest distance from the Earth.
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- 5 February 2023
Everyone who is slightly interested in astronomy has heard of gravity detectors or at least seen two kilometers of tubes that connect at the right angles.
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- 31 January 2023
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, a day of love! But what kind of person is your best match? Check out our Valentine zodiac matches! Find your zodiac sign below and see who would be a perfect Valentine’s match for you! Whether you’re looking for a new partner or if you want to know if you and your partner are a good Zodiac Match, you can find it here. It’s all written in the stars and you can read everything about it in this blog.
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- 30 January 2023
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has a serious history of almost 33 years, a history filled with numerous, often very dramatic events, some of which spoke of the near end of the telescope, of its deorbiting and going into oblivion.
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- 28 January 2023
December 2022, from the depths of the solar system, at a speed of 26,000 km/h, the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft (parked on the ISS) was hit by a micrometeorite and caused serious damage to the cooling system.
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- 27 January 2023
Are you born between January 21st and February 18th? Then your zodiac sign is Aquarius! Your motto is: make the world a better place. Want to know what your zodiac sign says about you? Do you want to know everything there is to know about Aquarius? Then read on!
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- 25 January 2023
The Chaldeans and other ancient nations knew Mars as one of the five “wandering stars” (the Greeks called the wandering stars planets, hence the current name for these bodies). They also know Mars’ characteristic that it sometimes moves backwards in the sky – the so called retrograde movement, but only in relation to faster bodies.
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- 24 January 2023
SpaceX, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
It’s a brand new year, so let’s start our astronomical learning curve by checking out the biggest upcoming space missions for 2023!
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- 21 January 2023
Have you heard of ALH 84001? Although the name is not that cool, the story behind it certainly is and deserves a full article devoted to it on our blog!
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- 16 January 2023
In today’s blog, we will put an emphasis on humanity, ignoring all the limits we set between us here on Earth.
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