- 21 May 2023
We can often see drawings of our planetary system in textbooks, but what is not shown are the true dimensions. That makes sense considering the vastness, but let’s try to get a clearer image of that.
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- 18 May 2023
When astronomers at the beginning of the twentieth century knew a good number of long-period comets, they tried to extract as much information as possible from their orbital data.
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- 15 May 2023
For centuries, Jupiter and Saturn have been competing for the position of the planet with the most satellites. So, what’s the score? Galileo discovered four satellites of Jupiter in 1610, but by the end of the century Saturn had led with five new satellites.
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- 12 May 2023
Quantum physics has long had the image of something complicated and difficult to understand. This is justified, but it is not a reason to run away from that world where things do not quite work the way we are used to.
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- 9 May 2023
Just days ago, on Friday, May 5th, the celestial mechanics planned an eclipse of the Moon by the Earth’s penumbra, which sadly means that there was nothing of the great celestial show to see. But there is still something to learn here!
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- 5 May 2023
Deceptive spring is about to turn another volatile episode in the week ahead. What is the condition above, above the Earth’s sphere of life? Unstable is what’s up there!
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- 1 May 2023
Looking at its strange shape, some people think that James Webb will be able to move the primary mirror to focus on the area of the sky that it wants. But is that realistic? Well folks, to put it bluntly – not really, no.
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- 27 April 2023
We live in an era when a good part of the population is not aware that for over fifty years man in space has not ventured further than the Earth’s orbit, only a few hundred kilometers above the increasingly warm Adriatic Sea.
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- 23 April 2023
Copernicus worked for a long time on the conception and elaboration of the heliocenric system. He summarized his results in Commentariolus, about thirty years before De Revolucionibus.
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- 20 April 2023
After two days and this being its second attempt, the infamous Starship took off for the first time today, with the idea of reaching orbit.
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