Sympathy gift, name a star in the memory of a loved one

Sympathy gift

Are you looking for a gift that may bring comfort after the loss of a love one? Name a star as a sympathy gift. A sympathy gift can be very comforting during a time of mourning. When words fall short after a loss, look up at the sky and name a star. Commemorate, by naming a star and support the ones that need it most.

Receiving a sympathy gift can be a means to coping with the loss of a loved one. Anyone can use consolation during the difficult time following the loss of a loved one. Grieving can be different for everyone and be processed differently by all. It is always appreciated when you are thought of during a difficult time. Are you looking to help someone who is struggling? Let them know you’re thinking about them by naming a star after their loved one.

Stars and symbolic meaning

You may have heard that after passing on, a person goes to heaven and becomes a star. For children and adults alike, this thought can be very reassuring. The idea that a loved one is watching over them from heaven is comforting in many ways. Immortalize that feeling by naming a star.

With OSR you can name a star as a keepsake or a sympathy gift. A star in the sky, to always look for is a great way to create a palpable memory. By naming a star you capture the memory of a loved one in the universe. Draw strength from the knowledge that this light will shine forever in the night sky.

Sympathy gift

Name a star as a sympathy gift

Naming a star can be helpful in many situations. For example, when a parent has passed away, or when a childhood pet is no longer part of your life. You can also name a star as a sympathy gift to a child who is heartbroken after the loss of a grandparent.

  • When naming a star, you may choose any star name. The name often chosen is usually the name of the departed. Another option is to name the star after the family or bond you have with the lost loved one. Perhaps your loved one had a nickname he or she was known for. Let the star name flow from your heart, because that is always most appreciated by the recipient.
  • When you name a star, you also choose a star date. This could be the date of birth or date of passing for the person in question. Do you have a specific memory you are fond of, for example, a wedding day or birthday? Then choose to use this special date.
  • The sympathy gift also includes a text card where you can enter a personal message. Write a nice message in the personal message card specifically for the recipient. Strengthen your bond by letting the recipient know they are in your thoughts and prayers.

Are words falling short in these difficult times? Use one of the following poems for inspiration:

Many bright lights shine in the darkness,
May your loved one shine bright as a star,
If you feel like you are in distress,
Call on me, I will not be far.


The sun took them away behind the horizon, where it is always bright
We stay behind with a night sky full of lights

Need more inspiration to put on your personal message card? Then explore our blog with 123 example sentences to use in a sympathy card.

Find comfort among the stars

Naming a star is a heartwarming gift that offers many people comfort during a time of loss. The OSR sympathy gift is a special keepsake gift for anyone who is struggling with the loss of a loved one. A star is also a very child-friendly sympathy gift. When you explain to a child that grandpa or grandma is a star in the sky, you can now also name a star after them. Name a star as a heartfelt gift with which you can ensure that a precious person shines as a bright light in the sky.

Name a star as a sympathy gift