Name a star as a bereavement gift

bereavement gift

It would be ideal if we could hang on to beautiful memories forever. With a star as a bereavement gift, past events can be made into material memories. Name a star as a bereavement gift and look back on that special memory at any time!

A star as a bereavement gift is a versatile gift suitable for commemorating different types of events. In celebration of a beautiful event, but also in keeping memories alive.

Tangible memories

Memorials have been constructed since ancient times to keep memories alive. In ancient Egypt, obelisks were raised in front of pyramid entrances to commemorate the Pharaohs. Today obelisks are built to commemorate past events. Historical buildings from the past are now often monuments that remind us of a special period in our history. You have probably experienced things that you think about more often. Such moments are very suitable to look back on.

As is the case with the ancient Egyptians, memories will fade, but we can still see all the monuments in memory of their existence. You too can create a lasting memory by naming a star. Naming a star comes with an eternal registration in the Online Star Register. You can locate this star in the register and in the night sky anytime and anywhere in the world.

Bereavement gifts

When we think about those special moments, we often look back on them with excitement. Make those moments tangible by naming a star as a bereavement gift.

You can offer a bereavement gift as a tangible reminder of a beautiful event that you’ve experienced. For example the birth of a baby or the witnessing of a marriage. You can choose a star date which appears on your star certificate above the star name. This way you can trace the star back to that special date and will always have something physical to remind you of a pleasant time in your life.

Does your fondest memory connect to a place, rather than an occasion? With the OSR Star Finder app you can use the “choose the best” function to indicate a specific time and place. Drop the location pin to indicate from wherever in the world you would want to see the star. This way you can personalize the gift by picking a place that is special to you. With the app you can look back at your star at any time and in any place. This way you can create a tangible reminder by placing the memory within reach.

When you think of bereavement gifts, you often end up with small gifts in memory of the departed. Naming a star is a special and unique gift with which you can capture anyone in the universe. Name your star after a lost loved one and capture their memory among the stars. Choose a star as a bereavement gift by selecting the beautiful OSR Memorial Gift Package and provide the gift with an extra sparkle.


Name a star as a bereavement gift

Keeping the memory alive

Commemorating past live events is a practice that has been around for a long time. Memories fade with time, and eventually become difficult to hold on to. With a star as a bereavement gift, you can present something permanent to look back on at any time. A bereavement gift is a wonderful way to celebrate a special event, but also to commemorate the loss of a loved one.