The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

The fascinating Energy rocket and the Buran program

- 22 March 2022

In June 1989, those attending the famous aeronautical fair Le Bourget, on the outskirts of Paris, were pleasantly surprised. Among the numerous planes that participated in the festival was a very exceptional guest: the space shuttle ‘Buran’ on the back of Antonov’s An-225, the heaviest man-made plane.

The Inexplicable 18 minutes

- 17 March 2022

Something unusual happened 4,000 years ago in the remote areas of our galaxy. The mysterious signal with extremely low periodicity, which has not been noticed in space so far, aroused great interest in the world and domestic media.

Arabic astronomy and star naming

- 14 March 2022

Islamic scholars have made significant contributions to the development of astronomy. During the Middle Ages, when European science experienced a downturn, the Arabs were the ones who preserved the astronomical legacy of the ancient world and developed their own science.

The expiration date on life

- 13 March 2022

At this moment, there is no imminent danger of complete destruction of the planet. This would be possible only in the event of a colossal collision with a body of similar or larger in diameter that would completely crush the Earth. None in sight.

The expansion of the universe

- 13 March 2022

Recent observations suggest that the cosmos is not only expanding but it is doing so faster and faster. Astronomers say this is because of a force astronomers call dark energy. So, the main role in answering the question of the fate of the universe is taken over by the theory that the cosmos must expand, but for how long?

When should we expect the end of the world?

- 3 March 2022

You will surely agree that the imposed question in the title is rather broad because it is not known what the ending refers to, whether to everything that exists, that is, to the whole universe, or just to Earth. Let’s go through some different options and possibilities, shall we?