The Online Star Register Blog

Thank you for visiting the Online Star Register Blog. Here we share the latest news with you about the OSR gifts, our apps and about what we love most: the universe and the stars!

Solar Storms and the Effects On Earth

- 4 November 2015

When we think of a storm we most likely will conjure up an image of rolling black clouds, booming thunder and intermittent flashes of lightning, but these aren’t the only types of storms that can affect us here on Earth. In fact, solar storms from the Sun have been known to cause its own unique kind of trouble. Let’s delve into the realm of “stormy weather” on the Sun to discover what this natural phenomenon is all about.

A Chunk of Junk About to Enter Earth’s Atmosphere

- 27 October 2015

According to NASA, millions of pieces of space debris are tracked orbiting Earth – most of these are about the size of a marble or larger, while around 20,000 are larger than a softball – although, most of this floating “garbage” usually burns up in our atmosphere, Scientists are tracking one chunk of junk that is predicted to make entry on November 13th, 2015 over the Indian Ocean near Sri Lanka.

82 G. Eridani – Star Facts

- 23 October 2015

In 2011 82 G. Eridani had three planets discovered in its orbit. Each one is considered a ‘super-Earth’ roughly a few times Earth’s mass. They orbit at a rate of about 90 days each, which tells us they are relatively close to 82 G. Eridani. Uranometria Argentina is the Southern-sky catalogue where this star was first listed in the 19th-century by astronomer Benjamin Gould.

Name a Star for Your Administrative Assistant

- 20 October 2015

Super star secretaries deserve super star gifts. Why not think outside the box and name a special star in the sky with the Online Star Register (OSR)? Skip the flowers, gift baskets, and boxes of chocolate and give an unforgettable gift that will last for many years to come. Choose which gift you’d like to give and it’ll even show up in special Secretary’s Day gift wrapping!

Is Ceres a Cosmic “Dartboard?”

- 17 October 2015

Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt, lying beside the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is also considered a dwarf planet (the closest to Earth) and the 33rd largest object in our Solar System. If this isn’t enough “claim-to-fame” Ceres has also recently been making news as being a “cosmic dartboard.” That’s right! Apparently whatever crashes into this space “rock” stays put.

Mercury On the Rise this October

- 14 October 2015

If you’re not normally an early-riser, you may want to this October (2015) as Jupiter, Mars and Venus are going to be making an appearance in the sky. And if that isn’t enough to wipe the sleep from your eyes in the predawn hour, you might want to know the elusive Mercury will also be joining the other planets.