Your own personalised star!

Personalise your own star with Online Star Register! Naming a star is the most magical gift in the universe. It will last forever. The best part is: you can make it personal! In this blog we’ll tell you all about how to personalise your star!

There are so many elements of your own star that you can personalise! You can choose the name and star date, the constellation and the color of the star. Furthermore, you can pick an occasion, write a personal message and create a personalised star page for your gift.

Personalise your star with a name and star date

First things first, if you want to name a star for a loved one, the name is the first thing to personalise. You can give your star the name of your loved one, or something that is significant to them or to the both of you, like a nickname.

Choosing a star date is another way to make it personal. You can choose a birthday, an anniversary or any other meaningful date. This can be in the past or in the future, it’s up to you!

Personalised Star with Special Occassion

Personalise your star by choosing an occasion

Choosing the best occasion is also an important part of your personalised star. What’s your reason for gifting a star? We have 20 different gift themes available, each comes with its own beautifully designed theme paper to fit the occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a holiday like Christmas or Valentine’s Day, surprising a loved one on their birthday or as an unique wedding gift, we’ve got the right theme for you.

Choose a Star Color for your personalised star

The color of your star is another way to personalise your star. There are three options available: orange, blue and purple. The color of the star depends on its temperature. The blue star is the hottest one and the orange star is the coldest star. Purple is right in between.

What’s the favourite color of your gift’s recipient? Make it personal by choosing their favourite color as their star color. You can see the star, and the beautiful colors in your Super Star Poster, the One Million Stars browser app, the Fly Me To The Stars VR app and the OSR Starsaver.

Personalised Star Gift Pack

A personalised star in the constellation of your choice

The next part you can personalise, is the constellation. You can choose where you want your star to be located. We have 88 constellations you can choose from. The most famous are the twelve zodiac signs and constellations like Ursa Major and Orion.

You can choose their zodiac sign to make it personal, or choose something that is special. The most important part is choosing a constellation that is visible from your area. Not all constellations are visible everywhere and not at all times. You can use our constellation page to help you choose the best way to personalise your gift.

Make it extra special, and choose a unique constellation for your personalised star, like Hercules for your strong father or husband or Phoenix for someone who has gone through a difficult time. Picking a beautiful and fitting constellation is another way to make your gift as personal as possible.

VR App Fly me to the stars

A Personal Message Card

Personalise your star gift by writing a personal message. Every gift includes a special message card where you are free to write a lovely message to the receiver of the gift. Tell them what they mean to you and why you think they deserve this special gift.

Make sure to also use the fields ‘gift is for’ and ‘gift is from’, so the receiver will know which special person gave them their own personal star.

Fly me to the stars VR app

Online Star Register also has a free Virtual Reality app where you can enjoy your star. See the planets and the stars. Fly to your own star, and watch it shine in the universe. Make it extra magical by personalising it. Add a picture and a quote to your own star, so your memories will forever be between the stars!

Personalise your Star Page

The receiver of the gift will get their own personalised star page where they can find everything about their star. Via your account you can customize this page to your liking, by adding personal photos or videos and a welcome message. You can also connect other star pages, change the main photo and invite friends to add even more personal message on the star page.

In this blog we’ve highlighted all the options you can use to personalise your star. All personal details you choose will be visible in all elements of the gift pack. Every document will be personally tailored.

For which occasion will you give this unique gift? Be sure to make it personal by choosing a thoughtful constellation and by writing a beautiful message. Name a star and give a gift that lasts forever!

Personalise your star