Personalize your Star Gift with the FREE Star Page

OSR Star Page

The Online Star Register offers a FREE Star Page with the purchase of any star gift. Create a personalized experience that a friend, family member, or coworker will never forget by naming a star and creating a customized star page with the Online Star Register (OSR). Write a welcome message, upload photos, and much more.

OSR Star Page

Naming a star for that special someone is an extremely personal and emotional gift. Although the star itself is an unforgettable gift, OSR allows you to personalize the star experience by providing you with the ability to create a one-of-a-kind Star Page.

How does it work?

Creating a personalized Star Page is easy. After you have named a star, it is automatically included in the Online Star Register. The Star Page will become visible and from your customer login, you can start customizing it right away! There are a variety of ways you can edit the Star Page, which include:

  • Changing the page color
  • Personalizing the welcome message
  • Adding photos
  • Changing the spotlight photo
  • Adding a video
  • Inviting others to leave messages in the guestbook

You can also protect the Star Page with a password. The recipient of the gift will always have the option of taking over the administration of the page, as they will receive the master password included on the OSR code explanation sheet in their gift pack.

Memorable events

Because the Star Page is so customizable, it’s a great way to get people ready for a special event. For example, if the star is named as an anniversary gift, post old wedding photos and a video of the couple’s first dance on the Star Page. Then, have friends and family leave heartwarming messages. When the gift is received, the couple can browse their personalized Star Page! Birthdays, Father’s Day, New Year’s, and many other occasions are all great reasons to name a star and personalize a Star Page for someone special. The Star Page also makes a heartfelt home for commemorating loved ones which are no longer with us.

“Because the Star Page is so customizable, it’s a great way to get people ready for a special event.”

Star Page example

There’s no need to take our word for it. View an example Star Page to get an idea of exactly how it can be customized. You can also check out the video below where we walk you through all of the amazing features that the Star Page has to offer.

Ready to give an everlasting gift that they’ll never forget? Name a star with OSR and get started on a personalized Star Page today!

Name a Star now and receive a FREE Star Page!