
Mars… The King of Dust Devils!

- 14 November 2015

When we think of Mars we may conjure up images of a dusty terrain and red atmosphere (or maybe even Matt Damon after his award-winning performance in the hit Mars movie). But the more we discover about this unique world, the more we realize just how much is really going on up there. Take the dust devils for instance. These twisting cyclones of dirt and debris are giving this planet a whole new image…the King of Dust Devils! Check it out!

So Many Earths… Which One to Choose?

- 7 November 2015

Whether it be a dissatisfaction with the Earth we are currently on, or an exit strategy in case our planet were to suddenly become uninhabitable, researchers are constantly on the lookout for “alien” planets that are similar to ours. And guess what they have found? There are almost 2,000 Earth-like planets that have been discovered since the first one in 1995, plus more than half of these were discovered by the Kepler Space Telescope.

Solar Storms and the Effects On Earth

- 4 November 2015

When we think of a storm we most likely will conjure up an image of rolling black clouds, booming thunder and intermittent flashes of lightning, but these aren’t the only types of storms that can affect us here on Earth. In fact, solar storms from the Sun have been known to cause its own unique kind of trouble. Let’s delve into the realm of “stormy weather” on the Sun to discover what this natural phenomenon is all about.

A Chunk of Junk About to Enter Earth’s Atmosphere

- 27 October 2015

According to NASA, millions of pieces of space debris are tracked orbiting Earth – most of these are about the size of a marble or larger, while around 20,000 are larger than a softball – although, most of this floating “garbage” usually burns up in our atmosphere, Scientists are tracking one chunk of junk that is predicted to make entry on November 13th, 2015 over the Indian Ocean near Sri Lanka.

Is Ceres a Cosmic “Dartboard?”

- 17 October 2015

Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt, lying beside the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is also considered a dwarf planet (the closest to Earth) and the 33rd largest object in our Solar System. If this isn’t enough “claim-to-fame” Ceres has also recently been making news as being a “cosmic dartboard.” That’s right! Apparently whatever crashes into this space “rock” stays put.