Tips & Gifts

Valentine Quotes: The Ultimate Collection

- 3 January 2017

This a sweet sentiment, but it has also become overused and tired out over the decades. Wouldn’t it be nice to impress your love with a fresh line that hasn’t been used repeatedly by Hallmark and on those whimsical kids’ Valentine’s day cards? If you truly want to impress someone this February 14th, check out our ultimate collection of romantic and beautifully written quotes that are sure to melt the heart of your intended Valentine. Whether you want sappy, comical or practical, we’ve got you covered…

The Origins of Valentine’s Day

- 2 January 2017

Approximately 1 billion Valentine’s are given each year – great news for Hallmark – yet no one really knows for sure where this kissy tradition actually started. Some think the roots are steeped in a forbidden love, while others are ready to buy into the bloody plots of an ancient date-match ritual. Read on to see which side you’re on.

Christmas Jokes that are Actually Funny

- 3 December 2016

Tis the season for Christmas parties and with these parties comes a lot of meet-and-greet situations. Some of these people may be total strangers that you will probably never see again (until the following Christmas doo) or they could be family, in laws or colleges. Whatever the social situation is, you want to leave a good impression. You may be asking, “how do I do this?” Take out anything that has to do with becoming inebriated and dancing on the tables (with or without your pants on) or hitting on your boss’ significant other. These are funny for the other drunk guests, but inevitably leads to some post-party regrets (and perhaps an exciting new adventure into the world of unemployment).

Do You Know Someone that is Starless?

- 20 October 2016

Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight…

This children’s poem dates back to the 1800s and is still used today by those looking for a little “luck.” But wishing on that magical falling star isn’t the only thing these celestial objects represent. Both the present and the past have regarded stars as something more than twinkling objects in the night sky; they held true meaning and significance.

The Origins of Mother’s Day

- 7 April 2016

They brought us into this world. They love us, guide us, support us and are always there to lend a helping hand or give us a piece of sound advice. They can be our best friend or our worst nightmare, but one thing holds true, they will always be our mother and we love them for it.

6 Reasons to Celebrate Mother’s Day

- 31 March 2016

It may seem like every month there is another “Hallmark” holiday that needs to be taken care of with cards, gifts and good cheer. Springtime not only brings the Easter bunny, but on his bunny-heeled trail comes Mother’s Day. However, Mother’s Day is one of those celebrations we should take time out of our busy lives to recognize. After all, we all have (or had) a mother and without her, we would not be here today.

Easy Mother’s Day Crafts

- 25 March 2016

Mother’s Day is the one day of the year that is specially dedicated to moms everywhere, wouldn’t it be nice to show her your love with something other than the run-of-the-mill card and flowers? Making something for mom from the heart doesn’t have to be difficult or take a master crafter like Ms. Stewart to pull off. If you want to make something special for mom this Mother’s Day read on. We have found some of the easiest, yet fantastic gifts you can make to impress your mother this Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day Around the World

- 15 March 2016

Regardless of where you live, we all have mothers. And in honor of moms everywhere, a special day is dedicated just to her. Mother’s Day is celebrated throughout the world in different ways and on different days. In the US and Canada, Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May. Traditionally, this is a day where flower and card sales soar through the roof, but not all cultures buy into this brand of celebration.

How to Surprise Mom on Mother’s Day

- 10 March 2016

Remember as a kid when it was so easy to surprise Mom on Mother’s Day? We would dream up all sorts of artist masterpieces that we just knew Mom would love and got busy painting, gluing and coloring our way into her heart. However, as we (and our mothers) grow and age, it can become more difficult to truly surprise her on Mother’s Day. Sure television and retailers would have us believe that flowers and cards are the only way to go on this special occasion, yet this is too easy and predictable and doesn’t pack a whole lot of punchie-surprise.